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Stefan's cabin

Stefan's cabin

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Stefan pov:

Finally, I am done for today.
There wasn't much to do though.
Most of the things are already done by my hardworking employees.
I am very proud of them.

The idea of having a branch in South Korea was taken just a year ago.

And within a year, we all are here for the inauguration program.

I don't show it, but I know, my company have some hardworking, passionate and very efficient employees.

Especially miss y/n.

She is a very hardworking and ambitious girl.

She can complete complex and challenging tasks very efficiently.

She never gives excuses for her work,

But when she gives, they will be very obvious and lame😂.

I can easily catch when she makes excuses, but I choose to ignore it every time.


I don't mind her making excuses because at least she is being normal now.

I mean, it's good to see her showing some normal emotions.

I still remember, when she joined our company about 4 years ago.

At that time, she was like a robot Who worked 24/7.

She will work 09 to 10 hours daily,
Sometimes she will take night shifts.

Whatever I will say, she will follow it immediately.

Sometimes she will be zoned out and sit like a statue.

Sometimes she doesn't wanna seat at all and just keeps on running from here to there.

At first, I thought, maybe because she was way too passionate and dedicated to her career.

But sooner, I realized, her state was very familiar to me.

She was running from herself.

She reminded me of my old self when I joined this company.

My dedication to this company is my passion, but when I joined my dad's company, it wasn't just my passion.

It was a state where I just wanted to avoid everything around me and focus my mind only on my work.

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