I dare you

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Author's pov

Hello everyone! I just wanted to let you know that I'm still alive and I'm back.
My apologies for keeping you waiting for so long. I had an important exam that required a lot of preparation, but now I'm done with it. Thank you so much for waiting for me! I missed being here with you all.

So, without further delay, let's continue our story and see what's happening with our characters.


Author's pov

Over the weekend, everyone was happy again. Auro had already built a strong bond with them all, but since y/n started living with them in the same apartment, her connection with everyone has grown stronger and more enjoyable.

In just a week, she has established different bonds with each one of them and loves every moment she spends with them.

It feels like being part of a big, happy family, which is something she hasn't experienced in a long time.

The group was making the most of their leisure time, and currently, they were all gathered around the swimming pool area, having a cheerful game night. Y/n had introduced the game of the hour named 'The King', and everyone was excited to learn how to play it.

Y/n had placed a beautiful crystal bowl at the centre of their circle, which was filled with chits.

As Y/n pointed towards the bowl, she explained the rules of the game to the nine players. Everyone was engrossed in the game, and the excitement was palpable in the air.

Y/n: In this game, there are eight chits, each with a number from 1 to 8 written on it. Only one chit has the word "King" on it.
At the beginning of each round, every one of us will pick one chit. Whoever has the chit with the word "King" on it will announce a dare and then choose a number.
The player who has the chit with that number on it must then complete the dare.

Taehyung asked, "What if someone doesn't complete the dare or doesn't want to do it?"

Y/n replied, "We have a solution for that too," and picked up a jug from beside the crystal bowl.

Y/n: This is our punishment drink for those who fail to complete the dare or refuse to do it as instructed by the king.

Jungkook expressed his interest in trying the punishment drink, and Y/n handed him the jug along with a cup. Jungkook took the cup.

Jungkook exclaimed, "Let's see what made this so-called punishment drink!" He then chugged the entire drink in one go but soon started coughing and sputtering, which made everyone burst into laughter.

J-Hope teased him, "Guess you didn't like the taste, did you?"

Jungkook quickly grabbed a glass of water from y/n and said, "Is this a punishment drink or a poison drink? She wants all of us to die, Hyung!"

Everyone laughed even harder at his remark, and y/n couldn't help but join in on the fun.

Y/n: "Listen up, Mr. Bunny, because I'm about to drop some knowledge on you. This drink is called the punishment drink for a reason. But don't worry, it's safe to drink...if you're brave enough. It's made with all sorts of herbs and spices, like black pepper and other stuff that I can't even pronounce. But hey, that's what makes it the perfect punishment drink!"

Jin: "Wow, y/n, you're a genius! You've found a way to make punishment fun and healthy at the same time."

Jungkook: "Yeah, y/n, I have to agree with Jin...but I think you need this drink more than anyone else here. So I'll do my best to make sure you get a taste of your own medicine!" *Wink*

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