Jeno: Whimpering neighbor

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imagine being neighbors to jeno's parents.

his parents go on vacation and ask you to house sit for them because jeno said he isn't going to come home for his break from college this time. So you're there, house sitting. Not a huge deal because you're literally next door and can sleep in whichever house you want.

maybe you snoop a lil, because you know they have a son in college and you're a little curious about who he is. you've only seen what he looks like during small windows of time when he comes to visit his parents. Never have you met him face to face.

SO, it just so happens that his bed is way, way more comfortable than your own. and maybe you slept in a little too late on one of these days and wake to a broad-shouldered man standing in his bedroom doorway with a shocked look on his face.

jeno came home without notice, being a bit too bored on a near-empty campus since the majority of students did go home for their break. He knew his parents were on vacation, but he figured he could be bored in a bigger house rather than a tiny dorm, right?

he didn't expect to come home to a sleepy woman in his bed, and he definitely didn't expect her to wake up in surprise, hopping up with only one of his t-shirts on in a panic.

"Oh! I didn't know you'd be home!" You'd shout in an explanation.

"I wasn't supposed to be-- um-- why are you here?" He would say back, eyeing your legs and the way one of his old, ratty t-shirts hugs against the skin of your chest.

he's flustered, red, a bit in awe because what man doesn't wanna come home to a pretty girl in his bed? The issue is that, he barely knew you and you barely knew him. So then, why are you sleeping in his bed, wearing his clothes?

You'd leave after this in too much of a panic to even realize you'd still been wearing his shirt. It kind of gave you an excuse to go back over there later that night, apologizing and trying to explain just why you were in his bed, why his closet had been raided, and why his old hidden stash of porn had been sifted through.

he's more flustered through your own explanations because in all honesty, he didn't care why you were there or why you had done what you did. he liked whatever you did because to be fair, he is a college student and hasn't been laid in over an entire semester. maybe it's getting to his head, but from the moment he stepped foot into his room and saw you there, all he could think about was how to get you back into his bed.

it wasn't difficult though, because all he had to do was invite you to continue house sitting. No guise was made for it, you knew it was because he wasn't weirded out or uncomfortable. He seemed to welcome the idea of you being there, and you're kinda glad because boiiiiii, he's hot.


that night you'd opted to stay at his house, because why not? he's hot, he seems interested, and he's kind of flirting with you, albiet in a very shy and reserved way.

"weren't you supposed to be house sitting? I walked right in. I could have been anyone--" He mentions as he raids the kitchen.

You'd wave him off. "Glad it was you."

"Oh?" His ears would perk up at that, somehow letting those words fill his ego. "You should sleep in my bed again so that way if anyone else breaks in, we wouldn't be split up."

"Are you implying we share a bed?" You'd quirk a brow, looking at him and the way he avoids eye contact with you by searching for some nonexistent snack.


that night, you did share his bed with him and for some reason, it felt far more comfortable than it did without him. the two of you slept without any funny business going on, which kind of threw you for a loop because why not? why didn't he make a move?

on the next morning, you'd woken up to him with his messy hair sleeping soundly next to you. you stared for a bit without shame, and continued to stare when he peeked at eye open and smiled at you.

he was going to laugh because you're being a weirdo, but he didnt.

his smile slowly faded as you continued to look at him, and he would stare back at you for a few moments, taking in the fact that you're so pretty and maybe he should just move back home through college so he can see more of you at this point.

the silence was heavy in the room outside of a chirping bird perched outside of his window. when you blinked and looked away for a moment, he still looked back at you. both of you still in a sleepy daze, realizing that you barely knew each other but were sharing this kind of moment.

"can we makeout?" he would randomly blurt.

you'd eye his hair, sticking out everywhere, and the way his shoulder was partially visible through his t-shirt because it's pulled uncomfortably beneath his other shoulder that's against the pillow.

you don't know why you nodded so quickly, but you're thankful you did.


that entire day was filled with Jeno's presence. the only thing the two of you did to stay occupied was make out. You made out after brushing your teeth, made out during the plot twist of a tv show, and made out randomly in whatever room you found yourselves too close in. By that night, jeno felt needy but didn't know how to like, push further because you hadn't made a further move or anything either.

you're still wearing one of his t-shirts, this time a new one, and lounging on the living room couch as if it were your own. He comes over to you, lips already tingling for more.

his sweatpants felt tighter all day, but at this point he knew you could see it. he's basically been walking around with a boner anyway.

you figure it was time to stop torturing him. making out had become your favorite thing to do with another person thanks to him, and it's not like you haven't been all hot and bothered either. he's got a cock and he's definitely not hiding it anymore. you kind of want it.

this makeout session felt a bit heavier, because he was beside you and skewing his head to kiss you. you'd hover, leaning over him from time to time to deepen the kiss, but he wouldn't pull you closer or put himself on top of you like he did that morning. Instead, he just sits beside you, spreading his legs more and more.

For a moment, you open your eyes and watch him, the way his hips gently press up so that his cock is fitting against the tightness of his pants. He's getting himself off without touching himself, simply by humping the seams of his pants.

that was hot to you, so you go right back to kissing him. you wonder how long it would take him to cum from that, or if he would start whimpering or begging you to touch him.

he doesn't have to ask though because your hand would find its own way down to his cock, pressing firmly against it just to feel the size and hardness of it.

instantly he would whimper, and you'd pull back to look at his face. his eyebrows had fallen, his mouth fell slack, and his eyes slightly rolled back by the sudden press against him.

you watch for a bit longer, pressing your hand down a bit harder to see if he would react in the same way. his hips would press up when you did it, grinding himself against your palm in a way that you can tell he isn't entirely in control.

when you grab, seeing how your hand would wrap around it, he presses up again, essentially fucking your fist despite the cloth acting as a barrier between skin.

and just like that, you learn that Jeno would take anything you'd give him. He would whimper for it, his eyes would beg you for anything you're willing to give him. he isn't ashamed to cum right there in his sweat pants by your hand. in fact, he's prepared to do it again a mere thirty minutes later. 

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