Jaemin: Just the tip (part 1)

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anon: The idea of sharing a bed and just the tip with jaemin is plaguing my wee brain cells it's not funny anymore, it's a need

anon: The idea of sharing a bed and just the tip with jaemin is plaguing my wee brain cells it's not funny anymore, it's a need

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You're on vacation with your family, and your mom invites along her co-worker, who then invites her son last minute. Obv you're both college-aged, you just go to different unis.

Upon arriving to the cabin, you learn that one of the rooms has a roof leak. Being an adult and all, your mom and her friend aren't at all weirded out by the idea of forcing their offspring to share a room.

Jaem insists on sleeping on the floor in order to be polite. You allow it, only because the couch in the living room was already taken by your super loud and annoying cousin.

After two nights of accidentally stepping on him when you wake up, he starts to insist to sleep in the bed with you. Of course, by then you're up for it because you've seen him with his shirt off swimming, and you've also noticed the way he had been looking at you. Maybe you also heard how he definitely jerked off while you were in the room "asleep". College boys, always gotta get their release somehow right?

The first night you'd slept with separate blankets but had woken up with both blankets bunched to the end of the bed, with Jaemin's arms wrapped around you. He didn't apologize for it. In fact, when he stirred, he just held you closer and hummed against you without letting you get up.

The second night you shared the bed, he made a move. Maybe it was because he had been staring at you this entire time at the lake, eyeing you up and down and noticing the way you'd look away after clearly staring at him first. Maybe it was because he liked the way you ate your ice cream cone the day before? Who knows.

You had seen him hard more times than you could count on this trip already, and in the back of your mind, you hoped it was because of you and not some other family member. He made sure you knew it was because of you by pressing himself against you on this night.

You knew he wasn't accidentally doing it in his sleep because you could feel him press your leg forward and shift behind you.

You were quiet but still pressed your ass a bit against him as if to give him the green light. The two of you had to be quiet though, because the cabin is full of family with prying eyes and ears.

When you felt him shift, you could tell he was pushing his sweatpants down. You press back even further, but he, instead, slips his cock between your thighs.

You instantly hear him sigh out at it, and instead of pressing your ass out, you squeeze his cock between your thighs and can feel his pre-cum drip out against your skin there.

For some reason, you weren't sure why you were doing this. Another part of you knew exactly why though. He was hot, was there any other reason to keep you from doing it? You're literally sharing a bed with him, might as well have fun with it right?

Though he wasn't intending to fuck you (not that he didn't want to), the pressure of your thighs squeezing around him became too much to bear. He would pull himself from your thighs and try to adjust himself against your core, quietly but in an urgent way.

"Wait, we don't have condoms--" You would first try to argue.

"Just the tip--" He mutters out against your ear, thumb pressing into your waist in a way that showed you how badly he wanted it. "please?" He would add after a moment of silence. 

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