Not an update!

457 23 4

Hey beautiful people☺

How are u doing

Well, yes i am alive *laugh*

I know its been aggggessss that i upload something. First of all, i am extremely very sorrry for not updating.

And why i am not uploading?

I will be very honest with u guys as i don't want to hide anything from u. There has been some problem due to which i was not able to upload.

Actually my family got know about that i write ffs. They didn't knew abt it earlier bcuz they are not that kind of people who will understand abt this. You know how indian parents are. For them it is some kind of crime of writing ffs.

My cousin sister is also an army but she doesn't like to read ffs. And she was the reason why my parents got to know abt it. First of all, i don't like when she randomly pick up my phone and starts checking. I just don't like it. Some of you guys would also not like this right.

She literally check each and every thing on my phn from whatsapp to insta. Everything like a detective.

And i just can't say anything to her bvuz she is elder than me and also her behavior is not so much good towards me.🤷‍♀

So one day. She was checking my mobile. Usually i hid wattpad in my phone. But that time i forgot abt it as whenever i writes on it i unhide it. So wattpad was unhidden at that time. And she got to know abt it. And she read ffs i wrote, even smuts also😥😥(i still get embarrassed when i remember that moment.)

So she told my mom abt it. As my mother is not much qualified, my cousin sister explained everything to her. And i got so much scoldings from her. I convinced her so much but mom didn't listened to me. But i thank god she didn't told this to Dad. From that day my mom also started checking my phn and checked if i still write ffs. But she doesn't know where i hid wattpad. And i am relieved from it.

And this is the reason why i just lost every hopes to write further. I told this to my bestie. She is my true soul mate. She motivated me to write it and do not lose hopes. But still whenever i try to write i get scared if again mom got to know abt. They she will take my phone away.

I didn't think that my cousin can go this far. I always helped her in any situation. Shared my all belongings and clothes with her. I always considered her as my real sister. When she used to talk to her bf. I always used to protect her by alerting her about someone coming. Then also she did this.😞😟.


Right now i am at my relatives that is why i am able to write this. I don't know how will i manage to upload bext part of WATF. But if u guys want i will write quick oneshots for u until am at my relatives.

So u can comment down below the title of oneshot. I will try to upload it as soon as possible.


Hope to meet you soon lovelies.



We are Together forever💜Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ