walking on sunshine

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"Summer boy!" The ahjumma called as he strode in, the bell on the door ringing out its annoying welcome. "Where's your sunshine?"

Yeonjun smiled indulgently, grabbing his apron from her. "I don't know, ma'am." He called out, before turning to greet his first customer of the day, a bright customer-service smile turned full-blast as he took her order.

"Don't give me that! You're grinning from ear to ear, Choi!" The ahjumma wouldn't let go of it, grabbing a muffin to wrap for one of the online orders. "Are you meeting him later?"

Found out, Yeonjun shrugged his shoulders, trying to seem casual. "Maybe." he said, turning around to give the boy working the kitchens the order.

"Bring him here one day, will you? I want to see who can make your storm-clouds clear!"

Yeonjun groans at the metaphor, rolling his eyes, but he couldn't hold back the giddiness in his step. He was, in fact, not meeting Kai today.

But he had met him yesterday, when the group had gone to dye their hair. He had sat there, in a small restaurant across the street, arm wrestling his cousin for a slushie, and watching Kai's eyes twinkle as he watched them, silently rooting for one of them.

And when Soobin had pointed out that Kai's slushie stained... an idea had sprung into Yeonjun's mind that he couldn't lay to rest. He wanted, and wanted badly, badly enough that he felt his eyes darken, and his only thought from then on had been mixing the color of Kai's slushie and his, and not using the conventional methods.

So when he walked Kai home yesterday... the taste of the younger's blue raspberry drink still lingered on his tongue, and he had to physically shake his head to focus on his job, and not reliving the memory.

He had kissed Kai, and it felt like drinking pure sunshine. Kai was perfect, in so many ways he didn't even begin to realize. His hands had sprung up in surprise, but he relaxed immediately, hands resting on Yeonjun's shoulders, and a small happy sigh escaping his lips.

He melted like cotton candy on your tongue, and Yeonjun couldn't get enough, couldn't get him out of his head even now, a full day later.

As his shift grew more and more busy, young University girls that always came for him shooting their flirty looks his way, Yeonjun had an honest to god smile on his face, genuine and wide, because that's what the younger boy did to him.

He made him want to forget everything and be happy. For a moment, a year, forever.

What he wouldn't give to keep that feeling with him forever.

He was still thinking about it a week later, as they lounged in the park, textbooks forgotten on the grass, and snacks spilled all over their laps.

"What was your first kiss like, Jun?" Taehyun suddenly asked, leaning in closer. "And don't give me any bullshit. I know you must've had one."

His first one? He thought for a moment, mind coming up strangely empty. "With a chick or a guy?" he asked, as if that could help narrow it down.

Beomgyu choked on his beer. "Damn." he coughed, face turning slightly red. "I lost $20."

Soobin grinned in victory, holding his hand out for the money. "Told you."

"Whichever was better." Taehyun returned his attention to Yeonjun, ignoring them both. "Whichever way you swing."

Yeonjun made a face, mood souring. "Do I have to swing one way or the other?" He asked. "If I like a person, I just like them. What does it matter?"

From the corner of his eye, he could see Kai smile, as his hands spelled out a word, seemingly unintentionally.

"Unlabeled." Yeonjun said out loud. "Because labels only back you into a corner."

It signaled the end of a conversation, and they all turned back to sky-gazing. Or, most of them did. Yeonjun dug through the pile of candy next to him, eyes landing on a blue raspberry lollipop. The sweet taste filled his mouth immediately, his memory as vivid as if it were happening now.

He picked it up, toying with the wrapper, determined not to stare at the boy who had laid back, eyes fixed to the sky, smiling as he pointed out shapes in the sky to his roommate.

"It was sweet." Yeonjun said to break the silence. "He tasted of blue raspberries, and had the cutest deer eyes. I walked him home and we held hands the whole way, and when we got to his doorstep, I kissed him."

The sun seemed to shine brighter as Kai's attention fixed on him, the younger boy frozen in shock.

"Your first kiss?" Beomgyu asked, cracking open a can of soda.

"No." Yeonjun unwrapped the lollipop, popping it into his mouth. Blue raspberry exploded on his tongue. "My favorite one."

He watched with triumph as Kai blushed, a hand coming up to hide his face. His eyes darted away, but the surprised smile still slipped through.

And Yeonjun watched him, unable to tear his gaze away.

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