ONE ([0.001]): Endless Trails

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Alright, Still works.



Um, what do I say here? Oh.

Hello. I'm Liam Plecak. The current head archivist of the Zmrok Institute, which is an organisation dealing with supernatural, paranormal and unusual superstitions. Airy, my employer has appointed me as the new archivist after Stone, my previous predecessor who had recently disappeared and nobody knows where he went.


I have been working in the archives for a couple of weeks. And I have to say this office is nice-looking but... The files are very, very, very dis-organised and there are highly cryptic messages somewhere in this room. This is... a very great start to my job, considering that nobody seems to really know where the files are supposed to be arranged.

Despite the fact that it's going to take a full long while to rearrange 100 worth of case files, I've asked and gathered a couple of my frien--er, people in different departments to come and assist me in these archives. There's Owen, Amelia, Charlotte and Bryce. I've also gathered my laptop, which I received from some guy named Bradley Silva who told me that the computer wouldn't let him type in the search engine and certain places; although recently the time I am recording this, the laptop seems to work fine and lets me type in the search bar and places. I don't know what the guy was on about, but I'm still keeping a close eye on it.

Sadly, the software used to digitally transfer these files was not available, (for some strange reason), so I was offered a rusty and old tape recorder from a long ago that somehow still works. So I guess I have to use this tape recorder to record my statements for the time being.

Now, enough with my ramblings, let's get this over with.

Statement of Oscar Mayworth regarding his experience while hiking on a woodland hiking trail.

Original statement given November 21, 2002, Given by Liam Plecak April 14, 2016.

Statement begins.


Well, I don't know how to begin this story. I guess I could start from the beginning and try to remember what happened. I was an avid hiking enthusiast eager to set my feet on new horizons and seeking secrets in the unknown. My hiking experience sent my senses, my curiosity into a spiral. A descent of madness, if you will, but I swear! I'm not crazy as you think I am! As soon as I stepped upon the accursed ordeal of a trail, it... it changed me.

It... it started as innocent as it was, I had researched the internet and stumbled upon the website. An article of the trail, well, I can't remember the name but I remember it painted a fantastic picture of an autumn landscape with the brownish yellow trail slithering ahead like a snake. The trees raised up to the sky; their leaves mingling with orange, auburn and brown. The atmosphere had promises of normalcy and security: away from the chaos and worries of everyday life.

As soon as I stepped on the dusty trail and began my hiking, the few hours progressed as innocent as they were, the trail wound ahead and the trees mingled with orange, reds and yellows. The trees shadowed over me and the birds chirped overhead me.I took in the fresh scent of earth as I glanced around at my surroundings, sauntering around the peaceful and calming scenery.

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