ONE ([0.006]): Manhunt

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Statement of Taylor Nolan regarding a creature in the woods, on a camping trip with her friend, Charise. Original statement given October 11 2012, Given by Liam Plecak September 19 2016.

Statement begins.


Around the second week of October; me, Charise and my mom went on a road trip to go camping because my mom thought it was time we got out of our comfort zone and tried new things. On our first day,, we had just set up our tent, unpacked our things and settled in for the night. I told Charise that if we were out here; camping in the woods, we should never split up in case something else was out there. Charise scoffed and told me everything would be fine and nothing bad would happen to the both of us. That didn't make things any better but I nodded nonetheless.

It was only then, that night I started to hear some things in the shadows of the woods. It wasn't just an owl or any animal of some sort. It sounded inhumane. It sounded like a mix of a hawk, a bear and a cat at the same time, its screech was ear-grating to me. Even if I tried to sleep it off; it would come again, and again; even louder than the last. I didn't want to tell Charise or my mom about the noises I've heard deeper within the thicket, and I didn't want to know what was out there, screeching. My curiosity only grew in that short period of time. What sort of creature made that sound? Was it a new creature? I wanted to see whatever the creature was.

My mother noticed deep bags under my eyes and inability to stay wide awake as I would often fall asleep when she was talking to me. My posture was worse than usual as I would often hunch over and my eyes were drooping. "Taylor? Are you alright?" She would always say, her concern tainted on her tone. She knew I was not getting enough sleep because of the noises I heard. "It's nothing, Mom. I'm fine." I lied on every occasion; I didn't want to rope Mom or Charise inside this mess because I knew they would get themselves killed because of me. I needed to go alone to go hunt this creature, and I didn't care if it killed me.

That night I took a dagger from my Mom's bag. Its blade much sharper than any other; its handle was slate grey with wolf fangs carved in, I began making my way deeper into the thicket but before I could react; Charise grabbed my arm, and as I turned around, I noticed her gaze was full of confusion and concern as she demanded to know what was happening here. I pushed her away, grumbling. "Stay out of this, Charise. I don't want you to die because of me." Charise chuckled as she insisted on it, "We won't die if we keep an eye on each other, remember?" I smiled but my fear was already bubbling inside my chest.

Together, we ventured deeper into the hallowing, dark thicket. The silhouettes of the trees towered over me as if they were stiff, unmoving statues, along with the branches that swayed gently. The wind howled and the moon lit in the centre of the woods; almost like it was the pupil of an eye, watching me from every direction. Every sound made me cautious of my surroundings as I turned around after every beat. I could feel it, someone's eyes lurking about in every single corner; my dread surged deep through my body.

I was not hunting the creature, but it was, for sure, hunting me.

The shadows wooshed past in the outlines of the forest and I frantically gazed in every direction of where the creature might be. I told Charise to stay close behind me as I stepped close. The bushes, now rustling, gave way to apprehension; bubbling like a tea kettle, surging through my nerves. Then I saw it. I couldn't say it was human, but it was human, up until its 'face' and arms. Its face was eyes, cat-like and all, in a circle. And its arms were halfway black with long claws. It was hard to make it out, but I think they had a red plaid jacket with a flannel and charcoal pants and boots. I stepped back, my face grew pale and my grip on the dagger tightened more. Charise screamed and it gave chase after us.

We split apart in different directions; I dashed blindly in the dark, far as my legs could carry me. Every corner, every decree, I didn't care where I was going, I only cared about if I lost sight of it, if I was safe. The rush of adrenaline ran through me like a deer. I was prey here, waiting just to be eaten. I didn't want to die here. I hid pathetically behind a tree; I panicked, my breathing patterns were now heavy. If I died now, right here, my death would be for nothing and then nobody would remember me. I shut my eyes tightly; trying to think of anything else than the creature. Something else clicked in my mind; was Charise safe? I needed to know if she was okay.

I went forth through Charise's directions. She had gone left and I followed blindly in her trail; the moonlight guiding me towards her. The outlines of the trees felt like people taunting me from every angle. My mind was racing; tainted with endless questions with no answer. I needed to protect my friend; despite the scars it would leave me.

And then I heard it.

A petrifying shriek that I would never forget.

"Charise!" I hollered; scrambling to where the source was. As I rushed to the area, I found my hair standing on end and my face paled. The cat-like creature was... eating her. Her eyes were hauntingly rolled back and she was lying in such a gruesome state. Her intestines were all over the place, the rest of her organs were chewed up, and the blood oozed down on the grass, staining the ground with a crimson red. I couldn't help but gag; as the creature stared at me; its face, now stained with the same crimson red. I shook my head, taking a step back but the creature stepped towards me. I bumped into a tree; looking straight at it. This was my end... It was supposed to be my end, before a figure hit it with a... bone?

The creature shrieked in pain as the figure rushed towards me. I noticed it was a man. From my understanding, I think he wore a beige field jacket with a white cardigan, a black belt with grey jeans and blue sneakers. He was holding a femur bone with a pink tag. He said his name was Oscar, then grabbed my arm, and scrambled through the woods. As he led me towards the familiar campsite, Oscar told me that the creature I saw was some kind of were-creature.

"Don't come back again, Taylor." I heard him speak before I went back to my mom. I turned around to see where Oscar was, but he disappeared before I could say anything. Sometimes, I wondered, was that a dream? That dream seemed very real. Despite it all, I've never seen Charise again.


(shiver, then regaining composure) S-statement ends, I suppose.

...S-so, Oscar... Oscar Mayworth, the person from the first statement, seems to have returned alive. However, from my understanding, he seems to be disappearing, right and left away from people, like he doesn't want to be seen by anybody. Almost like he's undercover; hiding from something, or, someone. For what, and why? What is his goal? The creature in this statement, this 'were-creature', seems to be connected to an earlier statement, the one given by Fan, and also the weapon Oscar was holding, the femur bone, the gift Fan described, is the same one from this statement. However, it may be a misunderstanding.

Oscar, what the hell are you doing to yourself?



Hm, lights are starting to flicker. That's not going to be a problem, right?

Erm, ok.


A/N: it was ONE 18 1 year anniversary (5 as in writing this) 6 days ago,  yeepers, i'm sorry i'm late, here's my late gift to ONE 18!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😨😨😨😨 

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