ONE ([0.012]): Dead Ends

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Statement... statement of- Liam Plecak, regarding the state of the archives, since the blackout, Statement recorded directly from subject, September 26, 2016.

Statement begins.


It has been a few weeks since... Oscar's B&E and the whole blackout incident, Owen and Bryce both were sent home to recover while Charlotte is here, continuing their work as normal. But I didn't see Amelia; for some reason. Now, it is at this point that I would say the archives and their staff are slowly returning back to normal, and the security is reinforced. However, upon more examination of the sticky notes I've gotten while snooping around this office, a few weeks ago... I can't help but feel there is more than what happened yesterday. That it was only the tip of the iceberg.

I know for a fact that Oscar Mayworth is nowhere to be seen in this institute and probably presumed dead, but I still... feel like being watched, observed even when I'm aware of the fact that nothing's there. Speaking of 'watching', though, when I went to confront Oscar, he said something about me being all eyes, and addressed me by "watcher" with a capital W. This led to me thinking, was Stone part of a bigger plan? Are the sticky notes a warning for something? What curse does this position have? Owen said I shouldn't think too hard about it, but I feel... I... I need to know what happened.

Charlotte pointed out that the tape recorder has been turning on with no human interaction, and I noticed two when I walked back into my office.The other one is just in the desk cabinet. Since when do we have two? I've also noticed that the sudden headaches I kept getting came back more frequently than usual. I don't think that's normal, more supernatural, though. Or maybe I'm just stressed. ...maybe.

Anyways, upon exploring the rest of the newly discovered tunnels in the blackout, I noticed... something. Apart from the room where we came across Stone's corpse, the storage room Bryce and Texty explored and discovered, was now locked. Now, when I asked Airy about the locked rooms, he dismissed it and acted like it didn't exist at all. He pretty much tries to ignore any topics of the tunnels or the locked rooms down there; constantly changing the subject, which left me with more questions than answers. Why would Airy lock these doors, in particular? Why could these doors bother Airy so much that urges him to lock them up? Does he not trust us? Or is it something he doesn't want us to see?

Aside from Airy's denial of the tunnels, I've noticed Charlotte recently looks a lot paler than usual, as if she was a zombie back from the dead, or something. (small mirthless chuckle) She still has the same old personality charm to her, but her bags under her eyes makes her miserable. I tried to talk to her about it, but she wouldn't tell me anything. Amelia... I- I don't know about her. I haven't seen her since the attack...


Statement ends.

..There are spiders appearing in some parts of the institute. I have seen their cobwebs in the corners. I may have to check that out, but right now that isn't important. What is important information is that somehow, the tape recorders only record if something significant is happening and only turns off when it's not important. The question is why would someone record us here? Are they trying to spy? ...Either way, Stone is leading me somewhere with these sticky notes. I don't know where, I don't know why but I'm going to figure it out, even if it kills me.





uh, ok- supplemental!

it has only been a week since i've booted up. and so far, this place gives me the creeps, maybe it's just the feeling of being watched that liam talks about like all of the time, but i can't help but feel like liam's been acting a bit erratic and weird since the attack (|||❛︵❛.) perhaps, it's only temporary, and will wear out soon, right? i hope so... anyways, while liam's hunting for answers, i found that all the statements connect to specific things, and carry on a motif of eyes. i don't know if this is symbolism for something but it sure is weird

there was a website i found while grasping at the institute's code and security, the URL saying something about a plane database. when i went to this website, the first thing that popped up was text-boxes for a username and password. despite my many attempts at logging in, it seems that we'll need a specific username and password... somewhere.

i need to tell liam about this|


a/n: liam entering his bad decisions arc, guys, let's go!!!! watch as liam goes insane while finding answers to the secrets of this institute, and play hitman by kevin macleod whenever liam is there, its my running gag (also can't you believe it's almost halloween??? )

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