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Kang Seulgi

"Hey, Seul! Come here, let's dance!" Seungwan called out to me.

I just shook my head and kept on drinking. We're currently at the bar to have fun. After all, what else do people do at a bar but have a good time?

Some people go to the bar because they are heartbroken or feeling sad, and often they hang out at the bar to forget their feelings for someone.

And that's what I don't understand. Why would they love someone if they'll only end up getting hurt in the end? It's pointless!

That's also the reason why they can't stay calm or at peace.

That's why I don't believe in love. Look at the person sitting next to me, she's been crying since earlier, not being biased or anything, but I strongly suspect it's because of love. She's heartbroken.

I sighed loudly. I deliberately did it to make her feel that she's not the only one here going through something.

I'm getting irritated because she's been crying nonstop since she arrived, and it's giving me a headache. As much as I want to find another seat, I can't find any vacant ones because the bar is really crowded right now.

It's always packed on weekends, especially on Friday nights. That's why many people want to have fun and forget about everything, just like me.

It's been such a long day, but this woman has been crying continuously. I have to do something.

"Ahem," I cleared my throat.

The person next to me didn't even look or stop crying.

I adjusted my seat and faced her. I can't take it anymore, she's crying so loudly. "Miss? Miss?" I called out to her.

But she still didn't turn around, maybe she's just not attractive. Tsk tsk!

"Miss! Can you stop crying loudly for Pete's sake! I'm here to have fun, but I'm getting annoyed because of you!" I exclaimed.

She still didn't turn around and her crying only grew louder. "Tsk! If you're crying because your boyfriend broke up with you, then stop crying. Just think that maybe he's not the right one for you, and think, did he treat you right?"

"Did he fulfill his role as your other half? Did he make time for you? Was he willing to accept your flaws? If not, then don't waste your tears on him, he's not worth it."

"Chair up!" I laughed. "Who knows, the right one might just be around the corner."

Someone needs to stop me, I think I might murder someone. After giving her advice, she just cried even more? Tsk! Women, they're so emotional.

Yes, I'm a girl too, but I have a different perspective. In other words, I can impregnate girls because I'm intersex. But I'm not that emotional; I can control my emotions really well.

I looked away and took another sip of my drink. I need someone to vent my anger, or perhaps someone who can satisfy me in bed. I need to get laid.

I scanned my surroundings, looking for someone I could take somewhere. I looked at the dance floor again, hoping to find someone attractive, but unfortunately, none of them are my type.

I continued to look around, hoping to find someone, but once again, none of them fit my criteria.

I sighed and just continued drinking. I was playing with my drink when someone caressed my back.

"Hey handsome, wanna get out of here?" she seductively said.

I looked at her. Hmm... She's fine, but not that hot. But she'll do, I can take I can grab on her. I badly need it.

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