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Hello Guys! How are you doing? I mean really, HOW ARE YOU DOING!??

I'm not looking for 'I'm fine or doing great' I want The Actual Answer. I get you are facing problems, going through them alone, conquering it then again going through the next problem and conquering it alone, like a loop or mobius strip. 

YOU ARE DOING GREAT! Trust me, you are doing so great and I'm proud of you. I don't know you, I haven't met you, but I see your strength, your resilience, and your unwavering determination to keep pushing forward. I see the sleepless nights spent solving problems, the sacrifices made to overcome hurdles, and the battles fought within your own hearts and minds. Each day, you face the world with courage, even when your spirit may feel weary.

Go out, meet people, make mistakes, make plenty of them and you don't have learn from them from first time itself. 

Take that risk.

Try new things.  Fall, get up, run, win and repeat. 

Become obsessed, if you don't there's no goal to live. 

Write you stress, your Happiness, your sorrows, your strengths, your fears, your obsessions. 

With so many voices seeking to be heard, 

gift them a pair of ears to listen,

 For in that solace, the souls are understood. 

You are loved, cherished and valued. ❤✨




And its not just a lifting-your-spirit note, I can't forget you to give you an update on the story as well.

Before we dive into the next chapter of our story, I wanted to take a moment to give you a heads-up. Things are about to take a darker turn, and I want to make sure everyone feels comfortable and prepared for what's coming.

I understand that some of the content we'll be exploring may be triggering or difficult for some of you. If at any point you find yourself feeling uneasy or overwhelmed, please know that it's perfectly okay to skip ahead or take a break. Your well-being is important to me, and I want you to prioritize that above all else. I, absolutely, will give the trigger warning beforehand for you to be comfortable. 

And for those who are fine with it and will be reading the story, 

Brace yourself for the worst. 

Happy reading!


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