4 Years

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Hi everyone. It's been a little over a year since I last updated, and 4 since I made this story.

I can't believe how much time has passed since then, but this is an update to my life.

First of all, my name is Dumah and
I finally graduated high school, I was a freshman in the summer of 2019 when I had started this story. I recently watched Jack Manifold's playthrough of Sally Face and thought it was finally time to make a comeback.

I'm sorry for the incredibly long wait, but the pandemic heavily impacted my education and getting back on my feet was incredibly difficult seeing as class online presented itself as a problem to me. Internet was always an issue, the computer I was given by the school wasn't exactly the best thing ever, I was hit with a few mental health problems, and things were going bad.

I have many memories from it though, from staying up until 7 A.M watching cartoons with my then 8-9 year old sister, to the two little budgie birds that were my birthday gift from my mom, as well as a new drawing tablet giving to me by her boyfriend.

The pandemic was a huge impact to our daily lifestyle and it continues to effect it. We lost many loved ones, got sick, and struggled financially, as well as in terms of scarcity where food and resources were difficult to come across. However, Covid is still very much a real thing and I hope you guys continue to protect yourselves. Please be very aware of your symptoms, even if they are mild.

Going onto me, as I've finally graduated high school, a couple months ago I got accepted into an animation internship where I am now currently in charge of background design with a friend of mine. I got into rollerblading again, I am continuing to pursue my passion of art and music.

I am currently the mother to 7 beautiful cats, and the last time I updated y'all, I only had 2. Don't worry though! They aren't all actually mine, a couple of them are strays who've actually adopted me!

During the time I had submitted an application to join the internship, I bought myself my own electric guitar, rather than using my step brothers, so I'm very excited to finally have my own and continue learning how to play.

Well, I won't bore you with more stories, but I'm really curious to know if anyone remembers me from 2019?

Also, I'm very excited to say this but . . .

Requests are open, so feel free to drop ideas down in the comments 💖.

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