Chapter 03

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4 years had passed, Karma is now 10 years old.

It's unfortunate that Karma and Mikey never got the chance to talk to each other even after all these years. Well, in Mikey's case, it is unfortunate. Because he's actually hoping for the the red head to notice and talk to him for the very first time, meanwhile Karma does not know the blonde haired kid's existence at all, Karma continued on his days, becoming even more busier.

Today, Karma swear his Day is becoming even more worse than the last few days, He wouldn't be lying if he said he's annoyed by a certain someone who he never knew the name of.

Why is he unusually annoyed? Well, it's because of the reaction of that certain someone Karma doesn't really appreciate, it's okay to ignore Karma's presence even after getting help from him because they never asked for help in the first place, but acting like what Karma did is Hateful and Annoying? Oh boy, their getting themselves in trouble.

In fact, that someone is a little boy, not older than Karma.

Karma saw a little boy getting surrounded by many hooligans that are definitely up to no good, so he went and saved the day, but got a bad day in return.

Cant help it when the little guy looks so defenseless, so Fragile. Karma's still intact humanity is still right there, existing, and so there he went.

Also said Don't judge a book by it's cover, the other little guy could have been pretending to look vulnerable or something,

But deciding to be more Rational, what can a mere lonely kid do in front of so many Hooligans, Teenagers and Adults alike in a desperate situation?

Karma doesn't care anymore, He's just here anyways, looking for entertainment at the moment because there's nothing more left for him to do, no more missions to accomplish and He's certainly dying of boredom.

Having an idea in mind, A sinister smile formed on Karma's face, undeniably resembling a Cheshire cat's grin.

Oh no, here we go again, He's also up to no good.

Remembering the other little stranger's expression, Karma made it a promise to come and hunt for that little runt.

Having the ability to find things quick and easy, Karma found what he's hoping to find in just a few minutes.

"Hoho, I found ya~!" Karma flashed the group of delinquents with a toothy grin , His sharp canines showing. He saw a familiar dude in the middle.

Noticing the choice of location, Karma guessed what he's facing right now is a Gang.

And if he's indeed correct, then this gang is really not that well developed, it only has a single leader since Karma gets the feeling they're all noobs, perhaps no vice leader, no division captains, no vice captains and not even a single assistant just yet.

'Bullshit gang, what a children's play.' He laughed as he dashed forward without warning, sending a roundhouse kick to the tallest member first who surprisingly managed to block it in time although struggling because of the strength and small force Karma had put Into that one kick.

"Not bad." Karma stated calmly, not really interested in that person before taking two steps back, changing his direction and throwing punches and a kick at the black haired male.

A starting gang with possibly more than 20 members but it seems like there's only 5 of them present here, or maybe his hunch is wrong.

Karma dodged an incoming punch from another member, He grabbed them and body slammed them to the ground, face first as pained groans escaped their lips.

Karma could tell that it hurt but he could careless.

He ducked low down enough to avoid a kick from hitting his head.

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