Chapter 12

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They all sat inside Draken's room, Both Draken and Karma sat on the bed.

Haruto is currently sitting on a chair infront of the two, keeping a distance while they all started eating together.

Well it doesn't even matter, Karma isn't ashamed for sitting on a stranger's comfy bed to begin with,

Unless it came from someone untidy.

Karma used his chopsticks to eat the noodles and he looked up, only to make eye contact with the other two in this room,

Wait- why are they staring at him?

They immediately looked away once they realized they got caught staring.

But his main concern is, Why are they staring at him in the first place?

The reason why Draken was staring is because he was curious about a certain topic, why are these two little kids standing out in the middle of the street during the night and not resting safe and sound inside of their homes? He's also curious at the fact that Karma knows a lot about him for some reason.

As for Haruto, He's glad that Karma is now eating something even if it's just a cup of noodles.

Haruto is fully aware that Karma didn't eat anything at all since this very morning,

Karma was busy doing shady business and He had decided to take a late night stroll around the place to go search for some good food.

He also thought a little exercise of walking outside is necessary while he wants to buy the food himself; he didn't let any of the servants from the mansion do so, The others made Haruto tag along so their leader won't be alone.

The red head got confused at why the blondies stared at him and they looked away. Not even a second later, his expression turned into a glare, sending death glares at their directions and he opened his mouth to say;

"If what I thought of about you guys are correct and is definitely thinking of taking this thing away, I ain't fucking givin' you jackasses my cup of spicy noodles,  This shit bussin." He spoke in a demanding tone.

Both looked at him with puzzled expressions while holding their own cup of hot spicy noodles, those are literally the same flavor as Karma's.

Responding to Karma seems to be a waste of time now, both blondes silently exchanged glances to ask if the other understood what the red head had said at the very end of his sentence.

Unfortunately though, both boys do not understand those foreign words at all.

Karma ignored their baffled expressions as he calmly said, "It's been a long time since I had a cup of spicy noodles so don't freaking take this one away from me." He said as he slurped his noodles, continuing to eat.

He must have been so starved to not even notice their thoughts clearly written on their faces a while ago while they were staring for different reasons with no malicious intensions such as stealing his cup of precious noodles.

After a few short moment, All of them have finished eating their noodles and they all sat once again, facing each other with serious expressions, well except for that one lazy person In the room, of course, but at times like this, you gotta be serious right? So Karma, at least, payed close attention to the conversation.

"Again." Draken repeated. "How in the world do you know my name?" He asked, he crossed his arms as he blankly looked at the smirking Karma. Somehow, That smirk on his face irks Draken.

Well, Haruto's so certain now, This Ken Ryuguji dude wants to punch Karma square in the face for sure. Can Haruto blame Draken? No.

That's what they all wanted to do the first time they met Karma, They all wanted to sucker punch him square in the face.

But sadly, they all can't.

And we all know the reason why they can't at all.

Karma stayed silent for a few seconds, observing the taller kid's expression and then He finally opened his mouth to speak. "You know Mikey?"

Draken blinked at the mention of his friend and he asked; "Mikey? You mean Manjiro Sano? The one with the bleached blonde hair and pitch black ey-" Draken's sentence got cut off by the same red haired boy.

"Yes, him." Karma briefly said,

He understood why the blonde asked those questions. It's because the name "Mikey" is used on a lot of people around the world and Draken just wanted to make sure if it's the same Mikey he knew.

"Yes I do know Mikey, what about him?" Draken asked with his eyes slowly narrowing, a small theory forming inside of his mind about the possible bond of Karma and Mikey.

"Yes yes, What you are thinking about is correct." Karma chuckled at his obvious change in action and expression.

"What? How the fuck do you know?" Draken sweared, Bemused at Karma.

"Your face says it all. If you don't want people to know what you're thinking about inside that mind of yours then control your facial expressions and body to fool people... Goodluck with the more observant ones though." Karma adviced with a cackle at the end of his sentence.

"You make it sound so easy." Draken rolled his eyes in annoyance, arms still crossed.

"Oh well, then start learning it, you need help?" Karma lazily smirked, using both arms as his pillows behind his head as he leaned against the wall.

"Why would I need YOUR help?" Draken scowled, ears slightly reddening at those mocking lazy smirk directed at him. Oh god, he wants to rip that smirk off those lips.

"Heh~? Did I mention something about 'me' helping the adorable giant which is you?"

Haruto blankly sat there with an unemotional face.

'My role is to stay still and be a... ' He paused as he watched the two infront of him begin to bicker with each other.

With Karma's teasing, Draken's temper can't handle it well.

"...Yes, A third-wheel. My role is fucking changed into a third-wheel." He mumbled silently, blankly watching the two quarrel like old married couples and He sat, staying still, not reacting and blank like a stone.

Both of them paused and turned their attention to Haruto.

"Did you say something?"

"Uhm...Nothing." He, once again, turned deadpan.

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