(5) Hogsmeade Happenings

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"What was that all about?" Matilda asked Peter as they walked out of the pub.

"She asked me out," Peter answered.


In the Hospital Wing, the boys had been healed up pretty well by Madam Pomfrey. All the boys had to stay overnight, just to make sure there was no internal bleeding. Arya was the exception though, because once her scrapes were healed, she was free to go.

However, it was still a struggle having all of the boys in the same room together. When another fight threatened to break out, Madam Pomfrey had to give them all the Draught of Peace to keep them calm. Though it was hard to handle, Madam Pomfrey said it was nothing she hadn't handled before.


A few days went by, and Arya finally had her peace. The rumors surrounding her and Harry were no longer the number one topic of conversation. Instead, they were replaced by the fight. It was all she heard about through the corridors and the great hall. Those who had witnessed the scene had greatly exaggerated the happenings and had fought over who they thought was winning.

"Oh, c'mon! The Kings were clearly winning!" One said.

"No way! Goyle totally had the blond one!" Another replied.

Hearing the arguments made Arya smile in amusement. Although she didn't condone violence either, she had to admit she was glad it happened. Things for her had finally settled down a bit. People were hardly paying attention to her when she walked by or when she sat down in class. Of course, she got the occasional stare, but that was it. No more popularity.

Instead, all of the popularity went to the Kings. Many of the Gryffindors cheered Peter and Edmund on as they walked past, and they got many handshakes and looks of approval from everyone else. Edmund was shunned from all of the popular Slytherin groups, but he said he couldn't care less and that they were all a "bunch of morons" anyway.

The weather at Hogwarts seemed sunnier than ever for Arya now. Since it was a nice day, she decided to skip lunch and go outside to study because she wasn't hungry and she needed to study for an upcoming DADA test. As she walked out onto the Hogwarts grounds, she started for the tree in front of the Black Lake.

"Hey, Arya!" Said a voice from behind her.

She stopped and turned around, and was met with the sight of Peter jogging toward her. Once he reached her, Arya noticed that he was no longer scuffed up and bruised. He looked a lot better. In fact, he had looked better than she had ever seen him.

Her eyebrows had raised in slight surprise at his appearance. Then Arya thought that maybe Madam Pomfrey had fixed him up a little too well, but had quickly dismissed it, seeing as it was a strange thought to have about a friend.

"How are you?" He asked.

"Oh, I'm alright." She answered, shooing her thoughts.

"I'm glad. Malfoy hasn't been bugging you at all, has he?" He asked, as though thinking he might need to take action again.

"No, I think he's trying to avoid me now, actually." Arya smiled slightly.

Peter smiled. "Good. It seems he's learned a valuable lesson."

Arya chuckled.

"So, where are you headed?" He asked.

"Oh, just down there." She pointed to the tree. "I was gonna do some studying."

"Mind if I join you? I need to catch up on mine."

"Not at all!" She smiled.

"After you, M'lady," Peter jokingly bowed with an outstretched arm, making Arya laugh.

The Kings of Old and Arya Hale (HP & Narnia crossover)Where stories live. Discover now