3 : coffee talk

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[y/n's pov]

THANKFULLY, TRAFFIC had cleared much quicker, so the random guy from the traffic jam and I were in the cafe in no time. The restaurant was a cute and humble place, in short, a comfort cafe.

"So, where are you from?" The guy asked. We were sitting at a two-person table next to the windows.

"Firstly, I'm Y/n. I'm from St. Louis; I just moved here. Literally," I said, introducing myself.

"That's awesome! Welcome to Florida. I'm Albert, by the way." He flashed a toothy grin.

"Nice to meet you, Albert. So, where are you from?" I asked him.

"I was born in New Jersey but moved to Florida a while back and kinda just stayed here since then." He said. I felt guilty because of how much more effort he put into his response than mine.

It started pouring rain outside, a good setting for something like this. "So, does it usually do that here?"

"Do what?" Albert seemed puzzled. "Oh, you mean the rain? 'Course it does! Happens weekly!" He laughed, staring at the rain with a gleam in his eyes.

I couldn't help but stare at him. The rain's light played perfectly with the sunset's golden horizon, Albert's face practically glowing against it.

Our barista, Illyan, had dropped both our drinks off. We thanked her and continued talking.

"What do you do for a living?" He asked me.

I snapped out of my trance. I had a chance with this guy; I couldn't ruin it. What the hell am I thinking?! This is me time. It wouldn't mean anything even if I told him.

"Hello?" He tilted his head to the side, waiting for an answer.

"Sorry. I, uhm, do gaming for a living." I placed the palms of my hands on my eyes, waiting for him to laugh at me.

He didn't.

"That's crazy! I do too!!" He exclaimed, a goofy smile played on his lips.

I looked at the clock on the walls of the cafe. It was half past eight. Shit. I had forgotten entirely about Kismet!

"Damnit, I've got to go. Sorry," I apologized to Albert, letting him know I had a great time with him.

He smiled and got up, helping me out of my chair. We left the restaurant and headed back to our cars. He was in his car first, but something seemed wrong.

Albert's forehead was laid on the steering wheel. He seemed irritated. I kept staring till he motioned for me to go over to him, which I did, as he opened his door.

"I can't help but notice you look pissed," I smirked, crossing my arms.

"Yeah, my car won't start." He sighed, taking out his phone and calling someone. Probably a car mechanic.

"Well, what're you gonna do? Like, how are you gonna get home?" I asked him, catching sight of a tow truck pulling into the parking lot.

"I figured you would know, so I asked you to come to me." He shook his head, clearly trying to make me feel guilty.

"I mean, I guess you could stay at my house for the night," I sighed, rubbing my nose bridge.

He immediately grinned, running over to the owner of the tow truck, explaining his situation.

"Alright, so the guy said he would be done fixing my car in the morning or afternoon tomorrow." He told me as he headed back over to me. "What are you waiting for? Let's go!!" Albert exclaimed, grabbing my hand and skipping towards my car. I blushed furiously.


THE CAR ride was fun, really fun. Albert had been driving since I lost to him in a rock-paper-scissors battle, but I got to control the music; we both did loud and obnoxious karaoke. (which was mainly Tyler, The Creator and old Taylor Swift songs). We were pulling into my driveway as I paused the music and unlocked the car. Albert put the car to a complete stop, and I opened my car door, getting out. He did the same and stared at my house for a solid minute.

"What's up? Is there something wrong?" I asked him.

"Not at all-. I just think your house looks cool." He said, still looking at my house.

"Wait 'til you see the inside." Albert was now jogging to the front door. When he was at the door, I was only halfway.

When I got to the door, I unlocked it. Kismet was sitting, wagging his tail violently. I smiled at him and showered Kismet with kisses and pets. "Hi, baby! Hi!" I said in a baby tone. Kismet gave me a single lick on the cheek.

"Who do we have here?" Albert said, scratching Kismet behind the ears. Kismet wagged his tail even faster. He really liked Albert. Kismet jumped onto Albert, standing on his hind legs. "What's her name?" Albert asked, looking at me as he continued to pet Kismet.

"His name is Kismet," I said, lightly chuckling as I threw my keys onto the counter.

"Oh, sorry," He cringed, gently pushing Kismet off his legs as he followed me.

"It's fi-" I was interrupted by my doorbell ring. I sighed and moved back to the door, opening it.

It was a mailman. "I have a few packages for Y/n L. Murray?" he said.

"Yup, that's me!" I smiled at him.

"If you could just sign here," He said, giving me a flirtatious smile and winking. I could see in his glasses reflection that Albert was crossing his arms and frowning.

A bit disgusted by his attempt, I took the pen he offered and signed the paper. But he didn't leave.

Immediately after I signed, he quickly kissed my hand, "thanking me." I now saw Albert moving towards us, but before he could do anything, I took my hand and harshly slapped the mailman across the face, leaving a red mark.

"If I ever see or hear you doing that to someone, it'll be even worse than just a slap." I glared at him, watching him jog back to his delivery van. I dragged the packages into my house, turning to see a stunned Albert. His face was equivalent to a ripe tomato. "Do you have a fever or something?" I asked him.

"I uh- no, is it hot in here, or is that just me?" He stumbled over his words

I snorted, laughing. "You're fucking hilarious, Albert. Now be a man and help me unpack these moving boxes."


day 2 of onto the next!!!! im rly js coming up w ideas as i write:') but thats ok, who doesn't? i love you alll stay healthy and hydrated:))

- violet!!!!

𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭, albert/flamingo x readerWhere stories live. Discover now