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YALL ALBERT IS FUCKING ANGELIC. like what!? just look at the photo. he may not act like it but he sure as hell looks like it. anyways, CLAP FOR ME LOVES LAST CHAPTER WAS 1.6k WORDS THE MOST WORDS IVE EVER WRITTEN. LIKE. EVER. anyways i love you all, please take care of yourself and continue being your beautiful self🤍🤍

[y/n's pov]

I FINISHED cleaning up the house for the girls and the make-your-own cocktail bar, and it looked fucking amazing. Dude, call me an interior designer or what? I played a bit of a dick move and made the girls drive here from the airport but I literally had prepared the whole house for them to stay for a month. This house is big, you know?

I heard a knock at my door and ran over to it, expecting it to be one of the girls.

But it wasn't.

"Hey, y/n!" Albert chuckled.

"Albert, what the hell are you doing here!?" I exclaimed looking around my house, the cocktail bar glowing from the led's light.

"I wanted to visit you!" He grinned, leaning on my door frame. I groaned and dragged a hand over my face.

"Come inside, idiot," Kismet happily ran up to Albert, jumping on him as I closed the door. Kismet was all over Albert as Albert pet him, cooing him. I chuckled and felt my cheeks heat up as I stared, I sighed and whistled for Kismet. He ran over to me, jumping onto me. I giggled as I toppled over from the impact, Albert rushing over to me.

"You good?" Genuine worry was spread across his face.

"I'm fine, Al," I was feeling just a bit confident so I gave him a kiss on the cheek. I mean, friends do that to each other in this generation, right?

I guess he didn't think that, though. Because his face turned into a scarlet red. He kissed me back on the cheek to which I laughed at. "Okay, okay, shoo. Before my friends get here," I stood back up, shooing him out of my house, watching him leave. I had left a lipstick mark on his cheek. I turned around closing the door behind me.

Not even a few seconds later, I heard the door slamming open. Seeing Cassidy, Paige, and Dani. Kismet scrambled over to Cassidy jumping on her. "Tell me WHY Albert had a smeared lipstick mark on his cheek in your shade?" Paige raised an eyebrow.

"Isn't that what friends do?" I asked.

"GAY friends, N/n!!! OH EM GEE!!!" Cassidy exclaimed. I shook my head and ran over to her, she squeezed me tightly as we hugged. I hugged Dani and Paige too, god these people were gorgeous inside out.

"Y/n, your house! What the fuck!?" Dani exclaimed. I laughed as she showered Kismet with kisses and pets.

"Only the best for my faves," I shrugged, walking around the kitchen mindlessly.


IT WAS around 9:30pm, Paige and Cassidy were intoxicated with alcohol, Dani and I slightly, making us the most sober. We danced and danced around the living room, blasting Beyoncé. We all had posted something on Instagram, whether it be Paige and I chugging a cocktail, or just us dancing to Better Than Revenge (You know, Taylor Swift), overall though, we had a lot of fun.

Ring, ring.

I sighed, "Let's see who it is ladies, shall we?" I answered the phone turning it on speaker. We all stood around the island, my phone in the middle of the table.

𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭, albert/flamingo x readerWhere stories live. Discover now