4 : unpacking

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[albert's pov]

I SIGHED, wiping sweat off of my forehead. We had been carrying boxes upstairs and around the house and unpacking them for about an hour and a half. "Y/n, dude. Are we done?" I asked; we were standing in her bedroom, and she was standing in front of something.

"Yup! One more thing, though," she laughed as my face dropped.

"Fuck me," I said, groaning.

"Gladly," she said, laughing hard. I felt my face heating up rapidly. "Anyways, I need you to help me set up this." She moved out of the way, revealing what seemed to be the same few boxes that weird mailman had given her.

I sat down on her bed, placing my head in my hands. It was a big box, which made me think it would take forever to build.

"Hey, guys!! Is that a man in my bed? Yes!" Y/n seemed to be answering a question. Wait a second. What the fuck.

She was livestreaming on Instagram. "Y/n, what the fuck!?" I ran into her bathroom, making myself presentable for who knows how many people. I walked back out to where she was standing.

"Guys, no, no. I'm not dating him. Who the hell is Flamingo?" She shook her head, trying to read all of the comments.

"Guys, we CLEARLY have no idea who Flamingo is," I said in a nerdy voice.

"What? Do you know about him," She said, looking up at me; I felt my face heating up as her e/c eyes stared at me.

"Mmmm, nope! Not at all!" I said.

She looked at the chat and dramatically gasped. "Well, chat here says you, sir, ARE Flamingo!"

"What? Nah. they're lying." I shot a glare at the camera.

Y/n looked at the camera, too. "Today, guys," she started speaking and grabbed a boxcutter, cutting open the box, "we're going to be building this baby!" She took out packaging with a pc held inside of it. She cut open the two other boxes, which had pieces to a white triple monitor setup.

My mouth gaped open, shocked at the bit-advanced setup.

"Hey buddy, you're catching flies," she said, laughing, putting her hand under my chin and closing my mouth.


We had finished building both the monitor setup and pc. The pc had custom art on the sides, which looked like the Flower Boy album, but it was more minimalistic, and instead of Tyler, The Creator in the middle, it was Y/n. She wore short fabric shorts and a knitted sweater of what seemed to be her merch; her hair was down.

During the stream, I learned that she had over eight-million subscribers, and her youtube channel was Bumble. She also learned that I was Flamingo. By the end of the livestream, everyone was spamming in the chat "kiss."

"Guys, guys, we're not kissing! That's ridiculous." She said; something flashed in her eyes for a second, but I couldn't figure out what it was.

"Y-yeah, we aren't kissing. We literally just met today." I stated, even though it felt like we had been childhood friends.

"Guys, we aREn't kissing, and that's FINAL." She said, ending the livestream. Her voice had cracked. Something was definitely up.

Y/n was sitting on the edge of her bed, her face in her hands. I could hear her letting out sobs, and she was quivering. I rushed over to her and squatted down in front of her.

"Hey, hey, buddy. What happened?" I said, gently removing her hands from her face and interlacing them with mine.

She didn't speak.

Instead, she unlaced her fingers and pulled me into her chest, more commonly known as a hug. I was tense at first, but I let it happen, hugging her back, still squatting. Her face was in my hair, and she was mumbling something.

"What was that, n/n? I didn't get that." I pulled away and looked up at her. Her face heated up, I didn't get why.

"I'm sorry I overreacted like that." She said quietly, looking away. "My boyfriend broke up with me a few days ago. I guess I'm not really over him yet." She sighed, chuckling to herself.

"Jeez, that must be tough. I'm really sorry about that. But I don't think they knew about your breakup; you didn't tell your fans, right?" I was now sitting beside her. My hand was rubbing her shoulder.

"I- no, I didn't. I guess I should right now before I get canceled for snapping at my fans, haha." She soon pulled out her phone, going on Twitter, Instagram, and the community section on YouTube, addressing what she was going through.

"I think you'll be fine. They'd probably be so confused now if you didn't put that out there." I said, rubbing her back.

She put her phone down, hugging me, sobbing into my shoulder.

"You poor thing," I said, breathing into her ear. She turned red, very red. I chuckled.


[y/n's pov]

ALBERT WAS was so sweet. I feel like I don't deserve him. He had offered to stay with me, but I just laughed and told him:

"It's fine; I have Kismet."

That was an ass move. Although I did have Kismet, I'd sell my soul to be with Albert. I know I shouldn't, but he's the one. I swear he is.

I opened up Instagram on my phone and saw Cassidy's post.


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all ready for pookieee!










who is mrfumble😿



kaden fumblebottom idiot hes like friends w the flamingo guy






I closed Instagram, only to get a notification that the man himself had followed me. Along with Albert, somebody named Jayingee and a guy named Temprist. But one stuck out to me. I didn't know this person either.



whoops i forgor an authors note. anyways im only posting one chapter todayy. ly all drink water stay healthyy

𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭, albert/flamingo x readerWhere stories live. Discover now