Caitlyn Jenner

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Excuse any typos

I don't usually discuss trans topics, but since this is so big and everyone seems to have an opinion on it. I'll talk about it. I have no problem discussing trans issues, but I won't do it and as you read below I'll tell you why.

Caitlyn Jenner

She is getting a load of attention and support from people all over the world. I support her, because she did what she wanted and that's something to be proud of. So congrats to her for finally going with her move essentially.

The main reason why I don't like to discuss trans topics is :

One, I don't have a trans reader (that I know of) who can speak for them selves, defend themselves, or combat stupidity.

Two, I my self do not know and is not educated in full on trans issues or topics. So I would need to be further educated to deliver you all a proper chapter like you all deserve.

Three, I feel like trans topics in the media is one sided and bias. It's only aimed at women (mostly) and for the most part those trans women had a great transition from male to female so they look "passing" and everyone supports them. I feel like trans people that aren't as "glossy" don't get the same support. I feel like trans women of color don't get the same support. So in general I steer clear of certain topics. All in all if they don't look like Lavern Coxx or Caitlyn Jenner then they aren't worthy of the medias time and that's what I have noticed. People fall over "pretty" and not "normal" or what people deem as "ugly"

People who call Caitlyn him, or by her former name need to stop.

People who say that it's not okay for her to be who she chooses because at birth she was assigned boy need to stop.

People who are uncomfortable with someone changing their sexuality need to stop. Mainly because their sexuality and or gender does not effect your life directly. Unless you are their kids and family. Even then, their has to be a level of understanding. (At least that what I think)

I wasn't actually even surprised when I saw Josh Bell tweet about Caitlyn because he has a lot of time on his hands between being a flop and being Timmy Turner on Nickelodeon. With his negative millions.

To end this rant, I don't discuss trans topics because, we aren't in that place where we can have open conversations about it. We can't have open conversations about sexuality, gender, or race yet because we can't get pass the social 'norms' or something.


So, a friend requested that I do "uplifting & positive" chapters instead of rants. I like the idea, but I'm not giving up my soap box. How about I incorporate that into this book, because as I said that's a great idea. I won't even call it a rant any more, I'll just call them chapters.

So leave suggestions for positive topics, and other things you'd like me to talk about.

Comments & votes would be nice.


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