Raven Symone?? Girl what you doing?

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I have tried to protect Raven, you know say maybe she made a mistake. BUT this bitch out here looking like a clown LITERALLY and making statements like that. I been ignoring all the F'ed up stuff she's been saying.

Like when Kelly was talking about how Mexicans can't get deported b/c "who is going to clean your house mister trump!" and so Kelly got called out for it by thousands of people on Twitter and then on the view or the talk what ever the show is, she sat up there crying because people were calling her ugly ass racist and toilet bow!

Then here comes super duper Raven, "How is Kelly Racist if she's friends with me?" TOKEN negro at its finest.

First of all KELLY been questionable since fashion police her and Juliuna and that Gay man who's name I can never remember. Like they always made terrible statements especially on black and other people of color who are celebrities hair and skin. So please miss me with that whole "she can't be racist if she's my friend" B.S.

Raven has lost her mind, that's why the ancestors taking her melanin back, her skin starting to look like molded up milk and her hair style choices are ridiculous. So is her fashion sense. She going to look like Stacey Dash she keep playing out here.

Please DO NOT be a token black person. Vouching for every white friend you got when they do some fucked up stuff. "Oh my friend can't be racist they date black people." Like as if slave masters didn't have black kids? As if Thomas Jefferson didn't have 20 something kids with Sally and still owned slaves. Get hell out of here. A sexual connection is a fetish it's not a vouch for love or to say they are not racist. They just like you because they are attracted to one of your attributes. White people use black bodies like tokens HINTS token black friend. Which exactly what Raven is.

"Honestly I wouldn't hire some one if they had a name like watermelondrea! Ahahahahahhahahahhaha" LIKE bitch?

Downtown Kenny Brown ( a you-tuber dropped a video last night talking about it.) He addressed how what? Thirteen years ago on That's So Raven , there was an episode where a shop owner wouldn't hire Raven because she was black, but yet here she is saying it's not racist to not hire someone because of the name they were given at birth by their parents? Like bitch did you learn any lesson from your show? Did you take away anything?

Just in case you never thought about it, you had no say in the name you were given so you just accept it and keep it moving. That's how it's always been(or you can change them). People with names like Shaniqua or Kiesha might have a problem with their names because it has become popular is comedy and on vine and everywhere to use those names as a sign of being poor, ill mannered, and ghetto. So people make vines wearing wigs and acting trifling and saying rude things and naming the character Kiesha or Sharkiesha or what ever forgetting someone in real like has that name, you're causing someone to hate the name they were given. I don't care , I find that very anti black. Not everyone is going to have boring names like Anne, Sarah, and Becky. So get off of it.

My names Kennedy and I feel highly offended that Raven ass sits on national television and says this shit. She's the type of black racist whites love to use to say they have on their team. People like her! "Well Raven says this so I feel I can say this." Like NO.

Raven has pissed me off like I'm so serious. She not with us no more she can be thrown in the trash pile right along with Miley them. Kanye hasn't been put in that pipe yet, because I think he has some common sense..somewhere in that thick ass skull. He is so close to being in the garbage, I don't like him at all but shit ...I have hope that he has some sense somewhere.

I be giving so many black celebrities the benefit of the doubt.

Lately it's been left and right with this bullshit. First I find out one of my favs is problematic-- Michael B Jordan and now we got RiRi out here condoning Rachel Dolzel. Uh RiNavy get ya girl. I'm not throwing them away because I know they got some sense. They just got a little lost.


I had something else to say, but I forgot! I have a lot of typos probably, I apologize for that! Anywho, please comment, vote and LEAVE suggestions!

Dedicated to @rarequalities

Hope I spelled that right ?!?

-Kennedy (:

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