"Freedom of speech"

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No one's going to read this , because it's apparent no one is reading my stuff...he but what ever.

  Freedom of speech is not actively being allowed to be racist, and or causing or posing a danger or threat to anyone. Real tired of racist, idiots, and coons alike across the world wide web upholding bigotry, bullying, and bullshit by saying "freedom of speech" you can really tell the intelligence from the fake woke, the fake intelligent, and the posers.

If you knew how to comprehend sentences then you'd know that while the first amendment gives us the right to openly say when ever we choose it also prohibits any type of hate speech and or speech that poses a danger to someone's life and of their well being.

People often, racist that is-- often bring this up when activist openly state that they do not like the police, they say burn the pigs call them bacon, or the famous line "fuck the police" like I said earlier, no one is reading anymore because again....none of these things are hate speech these are examples of exercising your first amendment right.

Saying "fuck you" is not hate speech, it's literally a statement.


Saying I hate Asians they are stealing from the economy, let's hunt them, get out of my country go back to africa, all Muslim's are terrorist and need to die, Jew's are disgusting thrives who manipulate the media and have an agenda against white men, black people need to be tree ornaments.....etc

Fuck the police vs death threats and active harm towards humans (NOT) a system. See the difference ?

"I can say what I want, freedom of speech!" no you can't, if the system actually performed in favor of the people who it's set up against people like the kkk would be on trial everyday from here to Kingdom come.

It's best to know by our constitution, your options and the people in power before you actively get into an argument with someone on lone. Seriously, ita ten times more amusing when you see them scrambling for excuses for their bullshit once you tear them down once and they can't recover.


Keeping it short.  Comment, vote and excuse typos. More chapters coming soon, mental illness, acceptable illnesses, and Black Christians. Stay tuned and leave suggestions I really appreciate them.

   Ken xoxo

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