"Houston, we have a problem"

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*say hi*

  So, I meet this guy in twitter. He seems really cool, he seems respectful and all around a good person. We exchange numbers,  we're talking. We're having great conversation. He likes some of the same music I do (do you know how hard it is to find a person who likes jazz music these days?) anywho. We're just chilling, talking, you know?

Some way, some how we get on the discussion of black rights, black people, the problems, etc. note that I believe ALL black lives matter -- from able bodied to disabled.  From one side of the spectrum to the other. I believe all people who are black and aren't straight, black, able bodied men exist and are important and are visible and should be heard. I believe in that shit because I am a black woman who happens to identify as being queer and lives a mental disorder that often effects my emotions. The fact of the fucking matter is I'm the opposite of everything that movement seems to be focused on so I believe in all black lives not just a few.

Moving on, he says something slick about the movement trying to destroy the black family. What ever the hell that means. Then it hits me "this nigga don't like gay people" I paused and proceed to type okay?

He went on to explain to me that ummm being gay is a choice and that I woke up one day and was like "Ima try being gay" and that I just didn't come to the realization that I was queer

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He went on to explain to me that ummm being gay is a choice and that I woke up one day and was like "Ima try being gay" and that I just didn't come to the realization that I was queer. *clears throat*  also that um he's choosing to be straight and that if he wanted to be gay right now he would. *cackles*

It's pride month, I didn't know these demons were going to fall into my life so soon it's only the 4th and boy oh boy.

That isn't the worst of it . Him a self proclaimed Christian lolololol said this to me

 Him a self proclaimed Christian lolololol said this to me

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Now ...let's go down the list of this shit that doesn't make sense.

"Marriage is a vow to God"

I don't know what century it was but why is marriage deemed a Christian concept? People of all religions and creeds get married. That shit didn't make sense to me.

"So this means the possibility of u and me dating is like zero"

"So this means the possibility of u and me dating is like zero"

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Uhhhhh yeah, that's exactly what the hell that means. When I tell you that last part confused me so much so....if only I could show you guys the entirety of the thread of messages. He told me about God like I, a southerner, wasn't too informed about who the hell God and his son was.

Then he told me I was going to hell. Then he said he wasn't trying to attack me but prove a point. Lastly he ended it off with I don't believe they shouldn't get health care and stuff but marriage oh "no lol"

"Can I still date you"

*this is my best friend Kasia*

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*this is my best friend Kasia*

Why would he, a holier than thou Christian want to date me "a damned soul" as he stated. I'm just existing, doing people how I want to be treated, trying to be a good human and I'm going to hell? Well I'll see y'all there. We a think we going to "heaven" until we feel that heat don't we? I have some news for a few of you. Stomping in church on Sunday doesn't seal the deal on this here Earth. What have you done for other people? How have you made them feel? Are you even worthy yourself? Bloop. Self evaluate.

I'm going to need some consistency out of the bull shit don't preach to me right? Then turn around and want me to bare your kids and date you. That makes no sense.


Comment , vote, leave anything down below share me. lol I mean it is pride month I could get on Ellen for this bullshit (lol not really), have a great day and s/o to all the high school graduates!!!! Excuse typos!

Xoxo Ken


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