Amandla vs Kylie!?

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Yeah, it's a lot like late but as always, I come back to you guys! Let's talk!


In recent news, 16 y/o Amandla Stenberg used her platform to call out a 17 y/o Kylie Jenner on cultural appropriation. I.e Kylie Loving black culture but not saying anything about white supremacy or supporting blackness when it's not dealing with black dick or black features. Basically.

As days progressed -- well as time progresses people began to do what they do best when something blows up. Attack. From 47 year old Andy Cohen calling 16 y/o Amandla a "Jackhole" in the presence of two other black people, to Justin Bieber who is 21 coming to Kylie's defense "she's just a kid, leave her alone." People have been trying to pull Kylie out to be a victim.

All the while completely ignoring the fact that Amandla is 16 a whole year younger them Miss.Jenner. Yeah. I'm done for real this time. This just goes to show, it doesn't matter how old you are or who you are, if you break down white supremacy or whiteness in general you will get attacked for it.

What I want to know is why did Justin Bieber have to put himself in something. Placing himself into something that had nothing to do with him. He would have been better off keeping his mouth shut because he really doesn't want black people to drag him on how he thinks he's usher. Or the fact that he doesn't have a right to say anything black related due to him saying "nigger nigger nigger" at the age of 14. Like if he wants to open his mouth we'll open ours too and pull out some receipts.

Back to the topic at hand. I honestly don't even want to give my energy up on talking about Kylie Jenner out here looking like Shamar Moore (I found that hilarious on Twitter). But it's a topic and I'll talk about it.

People really out here trying to depict Amandla as some type of bully who attacked Kylie. Black girls are always being depicted as being angry, as if we don't have a right to that emotion or something. As if being passionate is automatically us being angry about something.

I personally think Amandla just nonchalantly wrote that under her picture and went on about her day. Now the one who did sound a bit was Kylie "if I do, if I don't doesn't matter...go hang out with Jaden." Well if that wasn't petty or a bit bitter then I don't know what was.

White girls are never in the wrong when it comes to dealing with black girl or any woc. We are seen as the aggressor in the situation because apparently white girl's can do no wrong, and are always the victim against any woman that's none white. Oh so innocent aren't they.

Leave comments, and vote, and all of that good stuff. Short I know! But I'll give you guys a rant tomorrow or later on tonight. Be expecting it! I got a lot of great chapter request so if you'd like, leave some more! (:

-Kennedy (:

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