One more thing ;

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Hi, it's me again? ha! I have some time on my hands and just real real quick ....let's talk about the fact that the U.S president sided with those on the side of Nazism and Alt-right on national tv while the world watched.

We've all been transported to 1965 when LBJ (Lyndon B Johnson) watched children get sprayed by water hoses and didn't say anything until he felt he had to.

It's like watching history repeat itself. (Which in it self is pretty interesting and intriguing) the fact that white people and YES I'm singling out racist white people because that's who initiated these race related riots and "protest" think that people won't retaliate. They must have forgot that people of color MORE specifically black people have never really sat around and been tested. Don't get scared and cry now that there are warrants for your arrests and that your neighbors now want to kick your ass.

In times like this peacefully responding to the bullshit is not acceptable especially when people openly proclaim wanting to end your life because you are black.

People always want to complain about Black people getting the most attention when it comes to these issues and who I mainly see complaining is other non black people of color and the occasional coon BUT we get the most attention because we make the most noise and won't be stomped on. Get some balls, get a voice, and scream to the heavens if you want to be heard. Black people are one of the most disrespected demographics in America. It's unacceptable to be silent while people continuously taunt us and speak death on us as whole.

So don't be surprised if asswhoopings start to get handed out regularly. It's about that time.

Also, side note. In 2017 and beyond Black people are no longer accepting or hearing apologies. I.e Kim Kartrashian and her whole crew. If it's not your business, if it's not your kinfolk, shut your ass up. And that's that on that.


My first day of class is on Monday! The 21st! Wish me luck! Also, thanks for tuning in. But why not end off on this note? I'm thinking about making another rant I'm going to a PWI....and chile...already I'm feeling a little tested. Hmm tell me what you think about that idea? Also feeling a little empty w out something to talk about!

Xoxo Kennedy !

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