Hot Mess

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Four days into the new year and doesn't look like anything is left to be desired nor surprised at honestly. We got church folk loosing their minds, celebrities acting up, and people still acting an ass. New Year, same ole bullshit I guess. It's a hot ass mess.

   What I really want to discuss is

Ms. Kim Burrell.

I have so much to say y'all. Way too I much too say but I'm going to keep it short, sweet and to the point (or try to at least). As a queer individual who has not yet figured out their sexuality and doesn't plan on releasing it to the world when I do finally figure it out is very much like to speak on behalf of myself to say that I am and never have been a "perverted demon" and don't appreciate a preacher, woman preacher at that throwing millions of people myself of course included into the ring of fire in her sermon. If her point was to make it known that she didn't agree with our "lifestyle" (what ever the fuck that means because you are born gay, by the time you're 3 you know what you identify as) then she could of simply stated that and moved the hell on.

No what she proceeded to do was go on and on about perversion, and how millions and millions of people were going to die, as in become deceased in 2017 because that's what she thinks God told her.

I'm over the bullshit. I'm over it. You can get mad and go and unfollow me and do what you need to do to make yourself comfortable but I am so sick and tired of black Christians, yes I said it...Black christians and y'all fucked up system of teaching gods word. These the same people who allow their preachers to rob them blind and go to church to sit on the bird and be messy. I don't have time for the hypocritical judgements of another person his out in the world "sinning" just like me.

"Being gay is an abomination to GOD!" Yeah well sorry to burst your well rounded bubble but I guess you didn't get the memo but no "sin" is bigger than the next. Just so you know.

Also if we're talking about abominations and disrespecting the lord. Let's just get out the handy dandy list of sins everyday people do but because you're so filled with hate you won't address because "it's a small sin and yours is not" again even "sin" is bigger than the next.

The list ;

Eating rabbits , pigs or camels
Eating any type of shellfish
Eating fat or red meat I.e bloody meat
Certain species of birds may not be eaten
No ripped clothes
No mixed fabrics
No short hair cuts
No shaving of a beard is prohibited
No tattoos
Don't put two seeds in the same crop
No mixed breed dogs
No grudge holding
No Touching a dirty animal (dogs)
No alcohol in church
No manual labor on Saturday
No going to church after giving birth
No jewelry , or piercings
No divorce
   If you are ever to be physically attacked you are not to touch or grab said persons privates (breast, groin, butt)
If you're Asian you are not allowed to go to church
Kill anyone who is not of Christianity
(oh that's in there!)
If you have ever committed adultery, cheated on your spouse you are banished to hell
Any persons who curses their parents
(A grudge, and or dislikes their parents in anyway) you (according to the Bible) need to be put to death
God has a dislike for money and the problems it brings
Also the mistreatment of foreigners is also in the Bible (fact check that someone)
Oh yeah and let's not forget Lying i
  -via onesexytan online

    Theeeeee point I'm trying to make us, while people are out condemning people who are just living and being who they are same as you are you might want to get your self in order because at the rate I see people going we going to all be burning together. I can't wait. *sarcasm*
  The nerve , the utter nerve of so many people to even try it is amazing to me. Let's not get in the subject of how much everyone hates gay people but love gay lingo.

Come through
" Dying "
The Gag (keke palmer bitch)
"Catch that"
"You knew"
"Trying it"
"Clock it"

While this can go up for argument Black women and gay black men have a silent but very beautiful relationship. Just so you know the lingo of black women and gay black men has a fine line. Gay black men since we are on the subject coined these terms because it stems from a long history. As we know many gay black men in the past have given props to black women they knew for putting them on game to being them selves freely. So before I get a comment about "this is black woman slang" watch Paris is Burning and become educated on the relationship between black women and gay black men. Don't try me .

The point I'm trying to make is, how dare anyone be so intolerant of gay people of people in general when the Bible literally says God doesn't force his ways into anyone who chooses not to worship. A book of love but everyone in his house has so much hate. We'll see on judgement day. Also tell me if God asks you anything about the millions of queer identifying people that were here on Earth in your day of judgement. We aren't your business.

Don't be a hypocrite.

   Umm Hi everyone, I know many of you have school in the morning but I had to put something out! Aye! I hope you enjoyed it, please comment all concerns, statements, and comments down below. Tell me what you thought about Ms.Burrell's statements. Also have a good day, night, week when ever you're reading this!

Excuse all typos guys.


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