honestly...truly, ignorant

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      Back at it, with the bulshit as usual, let's park it and get down to the nitty gritty.

The Get Down
   The Get Down on Netflix costs money to keep it running. At this moment it's numbers aren't doing what they need to be doing. While yes it has high ratings, and nearly has five stars on Netflix compared to the show Stranger Things (which came out during the same time) it isn't being talked about as much.

While yes promotion is happening people are over looking it for Stranger Things. Which is also just as good....but again The Get Down has a nice variety of characters and the story line is great (not to say Stranger Things doesn't have those things)

For a predominantly black show to showcase aspects of black life in 70s New York City will also including positive aspects of the lifestyle I'd really great. It's an experience. There's something honestly for everyone.

Black LatinX characters

Biracial Black  characters

A plethora of Black characters in general 

*few members of cast in m/m*

They openly touch on LGBT+ -- which I was most in love with  "some are boys dressed as girls, some girls trapped in a boys body", and they also touch on sex work. Shaolins relationship with Mama Annie, he can't be much older than Zeke so that would mean he's a teenager having sex for money and running drugs ; being exploited eddentially. Dizzies sexuality is up in the air, he's a free spirited artist. There's also the political aspect of it, what will Zeke do? Can he really be a "A black man in a white world" can he juggle both his passion and what his family wants him to do?

Ohhhhh it's so much. The in all ohis is to say. Support and keep Black Characters alive, be a) representation AND b) variety.

  K/anye W/est


I have too much to say on this matter, y'all might as well get comfortable because I don't know how long or short this is going to be.  Let's make it a flash shall we?

First, Kanye's casting call email or post about what he wanted to see "multiracial women only" has caused such an uproar and I'm here for it.

People swear on their livelihood that when he posted about only wanting Multiracial women at the casting call that it had nothing to do with his blackness. Because it in turn did.

Had he been a white artist, and he requested such things it would have in turn been because of his anti-blackness and his whiteness that such requests would have been made.

Let's stop beating around the colorism bush and please stop telling dark skin Black women to stop taking blatant disrespect to them and other black women so serious.. until Black women stop being treated like they're less than human then we'll stop having an issue. Since it seems people aren't letting up on the hate we'll keep on talking.

When stories such as this one come out I can't help but remember me, myself being under attack here on Wattpad on my previous book --I unpublished it for various reasons -- because I called out colorist and light skinned young ladies tried to come for me for COMING for their privilege and their stance in colorism.

I myself a light skinned person (or so I've been told 😒) calling out and up for other light skinned people to recognize their privilege with in the white and black community being attacked by a bunch of fools who swear they hold no privilege and "we all black". Yes sis,we are all black and our experience with blackness is so unbalanced and so different that you can't deny that you have an advantage nor deny that your skin color allows you a privilege. It's there and you don't notice it BC you hold the privilege. But y'all can be quick to jump on white folks over their privilege while ignoring their privilege comes from their skin color AS DOES yours. Miss me with the fuckery.

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