The Killer Revealed

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Bella and Nancy both arrived at the place that the IP address originated from, it was Josh Sable's garage. The girls walked into the garage and called out for Nick and Josh but no one answered. Bella and Nancy look around for any clues when Nancy spots a computer, calling Bella over the girls turn on the computer and find Lucy and Ryan's emails pulled up. "What are you doing?"

"Josh. We called out your name but you didn't answer."

"Sorry Nancy, I didn't hear you."

"We're here because we discovered emails from Ryan to Lucy. Did you know that he loved her and that they were seeing each other?"

Josh got really angry at the mention of Ryan's name, "Ryan never loved my sister. He's the reason that she's dead." For some reason that tipped both girls off about Josh. "He can't get away with her murder."

Both girls realized at that moment that Josh killed Tiffany. Nancy unlike Bella didn't keep her mouth shut. "You murdered Tiffany."

"Nancy don't."

Not listening to her best friend she continued, "You thought that Ryan wrote that last email to Lucy telling her that she was a slut and you thought that he killed her."

"He did kill her and he will pay. I watched Ryan and Tiffany and waited for the perfect moment to preform justice for my sister. She will get justice and so will I." As he finished that sentence he lunged and Nancy with a wrench.

"Nancy Run!" Bella shouted. Josh then turned to Bella and started to chase after her. Bella not being fast enough was caught by Josh and he started to strangle her. trying to save her best friend Nancy hit Josh in the back of the head with a bucket. Not being affected Josh stops choking Bella and turns to Nancy and chases after her. Nancy starts to run away and climbs on a car. Josh grabs her foot and starts to drag her down.

"Bella now!" Hearing that Josh gets distracted and turns back to Bella. Just then Bella kicked a bucket of water on the floor and Nancy gets free of Josh's grip. Turning back to Nancy he tries to catch her again. This time however he slips on the water and falls onto a hook and gets punctured in the back. Still fighting to kill Nancy and Bella he tried to hit her with the wrench but missed, hit the circuit box and was electrocuted.

"Nancy are you okay?"

"Yes and no."

"We need to call the cops. Now."

After the cops arrived Bella and Nancy led them to Josh but when they got in there Josh wasn't on the hook. All that was left was a trail of blood.


The next day at the police department Ace and Nick distract the police and Karen while Nancy and Bella sneak into the evidence lockup. While passing the front desk Nancy saw a man walking out with a fridge and a clipboard with a signature on it signing off on the removal of the fridge. Ignoring what she the fact that the fridge was gone Nancy was hoping that there would be another one that they would've put the poison in. After distracting the police both Ace and Nick meet up with Bella and Nancy in the room with the poison. While Nancy grabbed out the poison from the fridge Ace stood next to Bella and Nick stood watch.

Nancy twisted the vials to look at the case numbers and the labels. Picking one up she inspected it, "This is Claire Barnett's poison."

"The vials full." Ace said with disappointment.

Curious Nick walked away from his post, "How could Josh have gotten the poison from here?"

Bella points out the same thing that Nancy noticed, "The seal on this vial is brand new, there's no way that it's from Liza's case 15 years ago. The original vial got swapped out for a decoy."

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