The Day Went By

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Nivritti took a deep breath and opened the bathroom door. She then walked to her cubicle and sat down. She looked around, everyone was trying not to look at her. She was missing for a long time and it was clear from her face that she was crying.

Everyone wanted to look at her but at the same time avoided looking at her. They had no idea what to think about her. Was she really such stone-hearted that she would hurt a puppy? But then how Thae treated her was equally wrong.

She noticed a cute girl sitting next to her who was trying hard not to look her way. The beautiful girl kept glancing at her and then would avert her eyes immediately. She even opened her mouth a few times to talk to her but was afraid of something.

Nivritti could take no more so she asked her, "May I help you?"

"Sorry, didn't want to bother you. I just wanted to ask, are you okay?" the cute girl asked sheepishly.

"I am fine, thank you for asking," replied Nivritti with gratitude.

"You were crying, weren't you?" asked Jae-Hwa, concerned.

"I... I... um... yes," Nivritti stammered first as she had no idea what to say, then she decided to go with the truth.

"Well, I am sorry on his behalf. He is a good person. He just loves that dog so much," explained Jae-Hwa.

"I know. I read it somewhere," said Nivritti.

"You don't like dogs?" asked Jae-Hwa, confused.

"It's not that. I have cynophobia," educated Nivritti.

"Oh, the fear of dogs," exclaimed Jae-Hwa.


"I am sorry that you had to face your fear on the very first day of your job. The first day is scary in itself," apologised Jae-Hwa. She was feeling sorry for Nivritti.

"You have no idea. My first day is not going great," Nivritti's face hung low with sadness.

"Well, it seems you need a friend," offered Jae-Hwa.

"I need one very much," said Nivritti urgently.

"My name is San Jae-Hwa. Think of me as your new friend," Jae-Hwa moved her hand toward Nivritti.

"That's so sweet of you. I am Nivritti." Nivritti happily took her hand and shook it.

"I know, Choi-ssi introduced you and don't worry in future I will save you from dogs," smiled Jae-Hwa.

Her innocence melted Nivritti's heart. "Thank you so much. You brightened my day. You have no idea how much I needed it."

"You are very welcome. So you came up with any ideas?" inquired Jae-Hwa.

"I was too preoccupied with dogs and getting scolded," said Nivritti.

"That's right. You should start working then. We have to present our ideas tomorrow. There is not much time," said Jae-Hwa.

"Have you thought of something?" asked Nivritti.

"I am not good with coming up with ideas on my own. If you give me an idea I will elaborate on it but generating new ideas is not my forte. I will leave the CEO competition to you," said Jae-Hwa. Disheartened.

Nivritti realised there was something else. "Don't accept defeat. Try and think. I am sure you will come up with a kick-ass idea." She tried to comfort her.

Jae-Hwa was taken aback. "No one believed in me like this before."

"What are you talking about? You are talented that's why you are here doing this job. They hired you because they saw something in you."

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