The Approval

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The moment Thae entered the room he lost his mind. He refused to sit down. All his team members waited for him, but he kept standing near them. He started spewing hate for Nivritti.

Thae was ripping her apart and everyone just kept listening on. The whole script team, the marketing team, the finance team, none of them had any idea how to stop Thae. Only his team members stopped him, well tried to stop him. But he was not ready to listen. Kyung-Soo even scolded him, but Thae was not done.

Nivritti was feeling guilty, so she accepted every word that Thae said but then Kyung-Soo pointed out that the dog was not even hurt, he was fine. Kyung-Soo scolded him again.

But Thae was not ready to back down. "I don't care. Yong was lucky that he didn't get hurt. He was running all around the office. He stopped near her, she could have picked him up, made sure he was safe but no she hit him with her chair. He is just a baby. How can a human be so cruel? Do you even have your humanity or you are just mean and nasty?" Thae's words were like a dagger to Nivritti.

Nivritti let him speak yesterday, she let him scold her as she thought she was in the wrong. But it was clear that she didn't hurt the dog and Thae was holding her responsible for the thing that never even happened. Slowly she was losing her cool.

All members kept pulling Thae's hand trying to make him sit but in vain. He kept standing and staring Nivritti down. Hatred was written all over his face. He called her nasty. She anything but nasty. She kept trying to control her anger but failed and shouted at him, "Shut up!! Just shut up."

Thae looked at her with an open mouth.

Hu Bong stood up immediately and said, "Whoa!! Whoa!! Everyone, calm down." Even Kyung-Soo was shocked to hear her talk like that.

And it was Nivritti's turn not to back down. She humbly looked at Bong and said, "I'm sorry, if you want to fire me, please go ahead but there is a limit to the stubbornness of a child."

Kyung-Soo facepalmed mentally. He thought, "there she goes again with her child talk. Now I need to know her age. Is she 100 years old?"

Nivritti after addressing Bong, looked directly at Thae and continued but in a harsher tone, "I have always heard how kind and polite you guys are, but you keep screaming at me as if I am a criminal. I get that you love your dog but is it okay to hate someone because of him? No human in one's right mind would run away from a puppy then why did I run away, have you ever thought about that or are you just dumb?" everyone gasped as she called him dumb. Thae too was taken aback to give her any response. He just kept listening to her silently.

"I am extremely sorry for not taking care of your dog because I can never take care of dogs. Dogs scare me, I have cynophobia." She wanted to move ahead and look into Thae's eyes closely but there were a lot of people. She raised her voice instead, "Do you even know what that is? No, why would you? You have this prejudice that if a human being can't look at a dog; one must be unkind, cruel, wicked, heartless, nasty and whatnot. And saying those nasty things to me what that makes you? Don't judge people based on your assumptions, it makes you look like an idiot."

"She called me an idiot," murmured Thae.

But no one heard him, Nivritti continued with her rant, "And why did you let him run away from you in the first place, isn't taking care of your dog your responsibility? Why don't you scold yourself for letting him run around the office? Now sit down before I spew more hate towards you which I don't want to do."

Shocked, Thae went and sat at the only remaining seat next to Jeong-Eun. He was looking down at the table, his brain churning ideas after ideas. He listened to her every word but never believed her.

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