The Meeting Is Adjourned

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Kyung-Soo's mind was working fast. He had to think quickly about how he was going to see her every day. If he could not see her every day, how would he find everything about her? For now, he just knew her name and that she had a temper. Well, Thae deserved her scolding. He didn't know the whole truth and was angry at her without proper reason.

Kyung-Soo started with his plan, "Now the matter of how I would approach this, let me ask you Choi-ssi; who are going to read all scripts?"

Chung-Ho thought for a minute and then replied, "Um... Nivritti as it's her idea, then we need a script editor so, Seong-ssi will be best for you as you are all more familiar with him, and Jae-Hwa, she is a junior scriptwriter and would benefit from this experience, so yes these three and rest of the team will be busy with your daily work."

Nivritti beamed up with happiness over Chung-Ho's choice. She was glad that Jae-Hwa was in her team. She too looked at Nivritti and grinned from ear to ear.

Nivritti was oblivious to the fact that not only Kyung-Soo, but another member of the team was staring at her pretty smile. First, all the team members were scared of her as she shouted at Thae but after hearing what she had to say, they realised that Thae judged her without having all the facts.

But then one by one she started smiling at them. When team members would add to her idea, she would smile, when team members would speak for her idea, she would smile. As scary as she was while she was scolding Thae, similarly she looked kind and polite when she would smile.

"Then these three need to be with us all the time. They can keep selecting suitable scripts for me to read and as soon as I get time between my busy schedules, I'll scan them," continued Kyung-Soo.

It was like a shock to Nivritti. She would have to spend days before him. She didn't want to be anywhere near him. She didn't want history to repeat itself. So, in order to avoid him, she said, "or we can keep scanning scripts for you, and you can come in between for a whole day, and we can discuss scripts with you then."

Kyung-Soo immediately understood that she was trying to avoid him. He smirked at her and thought, "trying to spoil my plan of seeing you daily, Ms Nivritti? I will never let that happen." He then said out loud, "I don't have even a day to spare. We got our schedule for the next 2 months and it is jam-packed. Moreover, Rencontre is in 6 months, so I don't think your suggestion is going to work for me. You guys need to work with me on this."

Everyone knew that Kyung-Soo was right. Their schedule was always packed. They were very hardworking. They established themselves as an international brand just by working hard. If one would say boyband, the first name on everyone's mind would be ASD. Theirs were really a story of rags to riches.

"Okay, King, they will do as you say. Give them your schedule so that they know where they have to go," said Chung-Ho. Nivritti was disheartened. Now she will have to be with him every day. But Kyung-Soo was over the moon. What he wanted, he received, he would get to see her every day.

"No need, I'll send for them according to my schedule," said Kyung-Soo.

"But it will be better if you give them the schedule so that they can be prepared in advance," interjected Bong.

Kyung-Soo could not say no to him. "Okay Hu-ssi, Johan, provide her with our schedule. Congrats again, Ms Nivritti." He looked at her and smiled.

Everyone was happy as the very first idea was approved. They would not have to come back again and again for new ideas.

Bong clapped his hands, and everyone looked at him. "Okay, let's start working on this idea."

He addressed Nivritti first. "Ms Nivritti, make the proposal by tomorrow, add the ideas that were discussed in the meeting and submit the proposal to the marketing team. Provide a copy to Korain too so that he can share his ideas with the IT department."

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