The Teasing

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Even after Jae-Hwa ordered her food, she kept staring at the menu. She kept educating Nivritti about Korean food. In excitement, she would blather in Korean but would correct herself and then explain everything to Nivritti in English. Many times, Nivritti tried to tell Jae-Hwa that she was fluent in Korean, but Jae-Hwa never gave her the chance.

Nivritti was happily listening to Jae-Hwa ramble on about all the delicious food that café had. She kept sipping a boba tea and kept talking about different delicacies. After a few minutes, their piping hot food arrived.

As Nivritti was not used to Korean food, she played safe and ordered a sandwich, yet again. She took a bite of her chicken sandwich when Jae-Hwa's phone rang. She was having some delicious meat and rolls and was in no mood to answer the phone.

"Ahh... who is calling me right now?" she groaned and cursed. She put down her chopsticks, opened her purse and took out her phone.

Surprised she looked at Nivritti. "It's Choi-ssi."

Nivritti too stopped eating. "What? At lunch hour? Pick it up!"

Jae-Hwa just nodded. "Yeoboseyo! Ne, ne, ne," she kept nodding at whatever he was saying. She was talking on the phone but kept staring at Nivritti.

"What did I do now?" was all Nivritti could think. "Do I always have to be scolded by everyone?"

Jae-Hwa disconnected the call and looked at Nivritti.

"What?" asked Nivritti, concerned.

"A member from the finance team is looking for you," informed Jae-Hwa.

"Finance team?" inquired Nivritti.

"Yeah, they made a mistake in their estimate, so they came to give you the new estimate and want the old estimate back. They are unable to find it on your desk," explained Jae-Hwa.

"Yeah, I locked every paper in my drawer. Don't worry I will return now to help them," said Nivritti.

"No, no finish your food," insisted Jae-Hwa.

Nivritti smiled and said, "I will take this sandwich with me." She opened her purse and took out her wallet. "Here, take my card. Enjoy your food. I will see you back in the office."

"No, I will come with you," said Jae-Hwa.

"Jae-Hwa, eat, relax. They need me not you," asserted Nivritti.

"But..." Jae-Hwa protested.

"Hey! Eat," Nivritti touched her hand and emphasised.

"You can go alone, right? You won't forget the way?" teased Jae-Hwa.

"Are you teasing me?" smirked Nivritti.

"Only a little," smiled Jae-Hwa.

Nivritti gave Jae-Hwa her credit card and left the café. She went back to the K&Q building and reached the lift area. While walking she would occasionally take a bite of her sandwich. A lift was about to close when she shouted, "Please hold the lift."

A hand appeared between the lift door and the doors opened. She entered the lift and saw a man wearing a black mask standing inside. She bowed down to him and thanked him. She pressed the button for the 11th floor and stood in a corner.

The sandwich in her hand was about to be finished. She was about to take another bite when the man standing next to her removed his mask. Her hand froze close to her open mouth. Her eyes widened and she kept staring at him.

But Kyung-Soo just kept smirking at her. He was going to the script department to get the daily video script. He wished for a glimpse of her. He was thanking his luck when he saw her coming from outside and running towards the lift area. He was alone in the lift and was excited to be with her alone.

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