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If you value your sanity whatsoever, please put this book down.

When you are capable of doing anything for someone, you will not know what is right or what's not.

This meeting took only an instant, and defying traditional teachings, I got just a glimpse of his glory.

He was always defensive.
He wasn't ready to be rescued.

“Let me wrap my heart in devotion once more. Grant me your place, I will sharpen my sword to protect you."

However, I was ready to save them.
I don't care if the whole world laughs at me, I remain waiting for you.

I stand firm before the court. Not even a god will stop me from being by his side.

“You didn't even stop to think about the risk involved in accompanying me through the ups and downs of life."

"No matter misfortune or good fortune, I will always be loyal to you. I can do anything for you, I will be omnipotent and invincible."

You would probably go mad or corrupt yourself if you were in their place.

The fragments of my angels fell apart.

"The past, why seek to keep it in your heart?... I am trapped inside this broken mirror because there are thousands of calamities in our hearts, inside this illusion."

"After a thousand storms, your innocence still remains. Lucky destiny to be able to protect you. Grant me your place, I am willing to bear your karma and be reborn in your name. For you, I dare to endure the ups and downs, and I will even walk through the flames."

They only sought their own freedom, refuge and protection.

"On the days when nothing makes sense, you are there, next to me. If the body can move forward with the will, then in this sea of ​​evil we can pretend not to be afraid."

But there are so many adversities that want to hurt us.

Mixed feelings that we don't understand and abusers who have no intention of stopping tormenting us.

Like a roaring lioness, I am capable of anything to keep my angels safe.

With so much suffering, will I be able to not lose my way and my sanity?

I used to protect him...

Now he protects me.

To Hell, With You  | KTHWhere stories live. Discover now