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        You stared at them for a moment longer, they seemed taller than the last time you had seen them, which was only about three weeks ago. "They're just some people I knew," you shrugged their questions off coldly. You didn't want to bring back all of those memories you missed.

              "Yo, Y/N!"

         You turned to Carl, nodding your head. He smiled, reaching over to hand you another 25,000 yen. You bit your lip in satisfaction, "Who am I racing now?"

         He turned on his heel, pointing to a tall man with his back toward you. You stopped in your tracks when you'd gotten close enough to recognize who it was. Daigo.

          He turned around, a smile playing on his lips. "Hello, Y/N." You clenched your jaw, your heart racing. "Hello, Daigo." If looks could kill, he would be on the ground.

         "I'm glad you've agreed to race with me," he muttered as he walked closer to you. You can hear the footsteps get close behind you as Daigo's proximity slowly began closing in on you. "Of course," you fake smiled.

        "I like your hair," he reached out to touch it before you harshly pushed his arm away. You felt large chests against your back, it was your clan. Daigo's eyes followed those behind you, he took a slow step back.

          "It's nice to see you again, my friends," Daigo muttered. "Can't say the same," Kairo retorted. "I can't either," Hikaru snapped back. "None of us can," Yuuto added. Daigo chuckled, taking the toothpick he held between his teeth out.

         "You guys are still just as funny," he teased. It took everything in you to not take your gun out and shoot him straight in the fucking head. "See you on the track," Daigo winked, walking away.

         Your eyes dug holes into him as he walked away, getting into his car. "What made you date that guy for so long," Minho judged. You rolled your eyes, "Have no idea."

        "Yuuto, come." you said to the tattooed boy not bothering to look back at him. You hopped into your car, Yuuto plopping himself into the passenger seat. You buckled your seatbelt, letting out a shaky breath as you gripped the steering wheel.

      You heard Daigo's car slowly pull up next to yours, you can feel him looking at you from his window. You looked out the windshield, your eyes scanned the entire place. You can see the hopeful eyes of your clan, their body slightly leaned forward.

         Y/N's eyes met a pair of darker ones, Bill's. He stared at her in her car, how her hands tightly gripped the wheel. She quickly looked away, now she felt nervous. A firm hand placed itself on her shoulder, "Just concentrate, Y/N."

        Daigo was hard to beat. He was hard to beat in many aspects. He was tall, broad and bulky. In a physical fight, not many stood a high chance. Racing as well, he was fast and clever. He liked getting his way. Which is what made Y/N hate him even more.

        "Who's that," Tom leaned over to Bill. Bill stood up straighter, his hand rubbing his chin. "That's Daigo. Y/N's most hated ex."

       Tom furrowed his eyebrows as he looked back at the cars. The same asian girl from earlier stood in the middle, dropping the flag. The cars sped past the girl and up the long road. Clouds of smoke followed the vehicles as they both drove at an insane velocity.

       Daigo's car was slightly ahead of Y/N. She grunted as she pressed the gas harder, switching the gears as she drifted a tight turn, the sound of the tires screeching echoed. She laughed when she realized she was slightly ahead of Daigo.

CRIME OF LOVE- Tom KaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now