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       You woke up with a jolt. Your body ached and your head pounded. The surface felt warm and soft against your skin. Your vision was blurry, you brought your hands up to rub your eyes.

       "Shit," you groaned at the sharp pain in your left arm. You looked down to see a red stained cloth tightly wrapped around it, what the fuck? You sat up, immediately not recognizing your surroundings.

      You were in a large bedroom, the room was dark besides the little moonlight coming in from the large window. The large windows were covered with thick curtains, there was a small coffee table across the bed, with a mug and a pack of cigarettes.

        There was a large flatscreen TV, and large sliding doors that you presumed to be a closet. Where were you?

       You lifted yourself up completely, but feeling a tug on your leg. You looked down to see a thick scarf tightly tied to your ankle to the bed frame. Shit. Your hands fumbled with the difficult knot when your fingers fully grazed it, it was a constrictor knot. (for those that don't know, it's like an EXTREMELY difficult knot to undo.)

      You chuckled, you knew exactly how to undo one. It took you a couple of minutes to undo it, but you sighed in relief as you felt your blood finally being able to circulate after being released.

      You carefully hopped out of the bed, making your way toward the door. You opened it slowly, making sure it didn't creak. You looked around to see four other bedrooms, the one you were in being closest to the stairs.

      Your arm slightly aches as you held on tightly to the railing as you slowly walked down the steps of the unknown home. The steps led to the living room which was a conversation pit, everything was of a dark color.

      The wall that consisted of only windows were too, also covered with thick long middle eastern cotton curtains. You stiffened as you heard a noise not too far away. It was chatter.

        You slowly walked toward the noise, passing through the kitchen. Carefully, you opened a drawer to search for a knife. After the third drawer, you found them. You reached for the largest one, holding it tightly. You inched closer to the wall, slightly popping your head out to see a door slightly cracked open with a light coming from inside.

      Next to it was the main door. Shit. To get to the exit, you had to pass the cracked door. A voice got louder as it pushed the door more open, now walking toward the kitchen. Y/N pressed her body flat against the wall, holding the knife tightly.

       Just as the person was about to pass, she lunged for them. She grabbed their shirt, pushing their back harshly against the kitchen island, holding the knife against their neck. "Who the fuck are you?!" she yelled. "Y-Y/N!" the person groaned.

      Y/N's heart stopped at the voice, it was familiar. Rapid steps ran toward them, the lights quickly turning on. Y/N kept her eyes locked on the person who she held, her heart dropping at the sight of Tom's face.

       His jaw was clenched and his eyes were dark, his hands immediately coming up to shove her off of him. "Tom!" Gustav yelled at his aggressiveness. "What the fuck am I doing here!" Y/N shouted.

        She looked to see those around her, it was the entire clan of Al-Zein. "Calm down, put the knife down," Georg said softly, slightly putting his hands up in defense. Y/N winced at the sharp pain she felt on her arm, she looked down to see the bandage almost entirely soaked in blood.

       "Y/N, put the knife down. I'll explain everything, just let me help you," Bill reasoned with you, taking slow steps toward you. His eyes were sincere and tone was gentle as he spoke to you, his hand gently removing the knife from you.

CRIME OF LOVE- Tom KaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now