Chapter 7: Yoru looks geometric now

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One table down from you, Jett, Phoenix, Yoru and Skye were sitting together. You could feel a hard glare your way, even wingman did. He made little crying noises, turning away from the table.

Gekko, Neon and you instantly sensed the anger as well as how upset Wingman was. Turning around in your lap, the little dude decided to stare down Yoru, who was sending a stare comparable to a laser beam of death right at you.

Wingman made a noise like a car revving up, as he stood up slowly in your lap. "No, I know what you're thinking little bro! Don't do it, there's no point." Gekko quickly said, picking Wingman up by his little arms, finally making him calm down.

"I wonder what Yoru's problem is..." Neon says out loud, her eyes flaring blue as she looks in his direction. In your head you're totally distracted, comparing Neon to Wingman, and both to an angry cat; lots of similarities there. You accidentally laugh at the thought.

"Y/N can you even hear me?" Neon asks, poking you in the shoulder a small jab of electricity pulling you from your goofy thoughts. "Oh- yes yes, what were you saying?" You smiled at her,  your reaction not really fitting the current situation.

Neon sighs, glancing over her shoulder one last time. "You know what? Let's not bother with him, he's clearly got his nips in a twist." Gekko chokes on his pepsi, trying to hold in his laugh.

"You're lucky he wasn't around to hear that." Gekko says, nudging Neon in the shoulder. The two of them had a really close friendship, it warmed your heart, it seemed impossible for people to be close, let alone friends in the middle of a warzone.

"You know what? Let's just ignore that goofy rhomboid-ass triangle-ass geometric, sonic the hedgehog-looking Jake Pauler. (I'm sorry Yoru bb) Time for dinner!" Gekko roasts the life out of Yoru, getting up and walking away like he didn't just end a man's whole career.

In the background, Brimstone sighs and facepalms hard enough to quake the Earth's mantle. Just another Tuesday for the big man. 

The three agents walk over to the buffet, the current specials being Chamber's ratatouille, Brimstone's BBQ ribs, and Sage's white-lotus mooncakes. You took a little of each but mostly enjoyed (insert yours here*) as it was something you didn't eat often or had just never tried..

After your flipping fantastic meal, you walked over to Viper's table, intending to catch up from your prior conversation. "So I take it Neon and Gekko are treating you well?" She questioned you about the pair of friends you were becoming really attached to.

"Ha yeh, their sense of humor is something else- I love it!" You tell her excitedly, remembering the slander that was being thrown at Yoru over dinner.

Viper was watching you- the ghost of a smile on her face. "That does sound fun, look at you already making friends and getting ahead!" She praises your effort to get along with everyone. You smiled back guiltily, Yoru's weird behaviour weighing heavy on your mind.

"Yeah- it's gone a lot better than I expected." This was true- you weren't expecting to feel so comfortable within a day's time. She clapped her hands, pretending to cheer you on. "See it's only uphill from here Y/N!" Laughing, the two of you left the dining area and headed back toward the sleeping quarters.

The day was long but nice. You were still overwhelmed but you knew a routine would help- and it was almost time for you to start training. Brimstone insisted that you'd start the next morning so you were keen on sleeping early- if possible. You did want to give yourself the best chance of doing well tomorrow.

Viper and you had finally arrived outside your door. "Well thank you for spending some time with me today..." Viper says, as you unlock your door tediously.

"It's really no problem, I'd consider you maybe the first friend I made here." You say to Viper, watching her expression seem to melt with your words.

"It's an honour!" She says, pulling a goofy salute pose to you- similar to how you had done to her earlier that evening. "Good night Y/N! I'll see you tomorrow alright?" She adds, slowly moving away from your now open door.

"You can count on it!" You say back, smiling and hoping to match Viper's sudden energy.

You lock the door behind you and flop down on your bed. The new bed sheets feel so good. Ah, not to mention it's pretty comfy after being stuck in a plane for so long. You finally have time to check your phone for any updates from home.

Shit, the mirror earth attacks were slowly covering more space, claiming land and radianite from every corner of your planet... Now it was mostly Europe facing these attacks, your hometown wasn't in any immediate danger, however you still had an uneasy feeling, and pit in your stomach the more you thought about it.

You had a few voice memos from your family, wishing you good luck with your trip and training. Your mum had even sneaked in a photo of her on a plane trip to America, asking you if your plane gave you a free tour of New York City from above like her flight had done.

You replied to her corny messages with the last bit of energy you could muster up...

Right as you were starting to doze off, the sound of a distant fan whirring lulling you into a comfortable sleep.

*BZZT* *BZZT* Your phone was almost jumping off your bedside table. An unknown number was facetime calling you, too tired to care about scammers and consequences you answered the phone, staring at the camera with the most cold, tired, bad bitch gaze.

"Y/N are you okay? Shit did I call at a bad time?" The familiar face of Gekko finally loaded onto your screen, your expression instantly melted back into its normal, neutral position.

"Don't, call me when I'm trying to sleep MATE." (sorry australian aggression leaked in*) Gekko looked at you sympathetically.

"Look I only meant for a quick ring, I got Cypher to find your number for Neon and I- since we forgot to ask you for it." He angles the phone to Cypher, showing them both in the middle of a chess game, Cypher staring blankly at the camera, forced-looking nodding like there is a gun to his head. (Wait is that wingman staring daggers into Cyphers masked face???) Wait also how did Cypher find your phone number that quickly? Oh we just won't question it and try to save some sanity.

Just on time, Neon sends you a message, lots of emojis and embellishments included. You laugh a little when you read some of it, but your attention soon snaps back to Gekko. "You should've followed along with Neon and sent a message?" You question him- sitting up slightly and rubbing your eyes lightly.

"Well in my defence it is only 10pm Y/N... Nobody else here sleeps that early!" Gekko adds, holding in an obvious laugh. You are too tired to deal with this silly billy so you tell him goodnight before hanging up. Your attempt at adequate sleep for once in your life was not to be underestimated. You were gonna be pumped tomorrow! Even if it meant leaving Gekko to play a boring game of chess with Cypher all night.


A/N: Well there we go- progress, im tryna not make the writing so informal- but its hard because i start having too much fun ;_; enjoy le chapterino

An Unlikely Agent 💫 (fem reader x valorant agents)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin