Chapter 4: Wow Yoru is unstable af!

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When the trio exit the helicopter, you are startled as many people surround you, waving and yelling greetings at you. "Everyone be gentle with the newbie!" Brimstone yells in a surprisingly authoritative voice.

The surrounding area is much more calm and you are able to look around. Besides the helicopter pad you landed on, there was a large building stretching as far as you could see. Viper and Brimstone lead you and the rest of the group to a massive elevator. You are squished in the middle as everyone piles in around you.

"Uhhh..." You try to tell everyone around that you don't have enough space but everyone is caught up in their own conversations. "Not a fan of crowds?" A gentle voice comes from the lady standing next to you.

"Yeah, I guess it would be okay if I was closer to the wall or a door..." You reply sheepishly, feeling like an annoyance.

"Oh in that case say no more," the lady next to you holds you carefully and guides you to swap places with her, leaving you next to the wall and a rail.

"Oh thank you so much..." You trail off...

"Sage." She tells you with a smile. You smile back at her and you both talk a little while the elevator moves.

"So how deep does this thing go exactly?" You ask her curiously.

"Well to be honest with you, I'm not sure of the exact number, I just know we have almost 200 levels and more than half of it is underground." She tries to explain, her casual speech throws you off as you are completely shocked.

"200?!" You exclaim, "Well yes, our level is 145 but because this is an international government agency, it goes even further down trust me!" Sage replies, laughing kindly at your expression.

*DING* "Level 145" Chimes a robotic voice. The heavy doors open in front of you and you are led in by the crowd. "Welcome to the Valorant Protocol Y/N!" Everyone shouts to you, streamers are falling from the ceiling and speakers are booming in the background.

You grin nervously and thank everyone around you, "Hi everyone! I had no idea you'd all be so welcoming but it's great to be here!" The people there cheer in response and you slowly walk around with Viper and Sage while you're introduced to your fellow agents.

It's not long before you realise that this place has cliques, it's easy to compare it to the houses in Hogwarts (lol). The ones who are really nice to you include Gekko and Neon who also just joined the protocol recently.

The two of them got along with you really well and were happy with the task of introducing you to more agents. While the three of you decided who to see next, you took turns introducing yourselves.

From what you learned, Neon moved to the Valorant Protocol from a small town in the Philippines. She had awesome electrical powers and could also sing really well in Tagalog and English.

On the other hand, Gekko had moved from LA, so not too far from his home. He had introduced you to his summons which really worked like pokemon. Dizzy and Wingman were super happy to meet you, whereas Mosh bounced away immediately. His most powerful creature Thrash was still a little hesitant toward you and preferred to hide behind Gekko. 

The two allowed you to walk alongside them. The building you were in was really industrial and seemed more like a bunker than a home. It started to dawn on you that you would be staying here for the unforeseeable future.

The first person you were introduced to was a quiet man hidden behind a mask... He wasn't even located in the lobby space, he was huddled up in his personal office.

"Cypher, Meet Y/N! You weren't at the party so you wouldn't know her right away." Neon says, giving him a cold look.

"Ah yes, F/N L/N, I've been expecting you, it's good to finally meet you." He reaches out a gloved hand.

You nod, reaching out to shake his hand. "You seem a little busy..." You point out sheepishly, acknowledging his office area with its stacks files and interesting technology.

"Yes, even when off mission some of us have to work." Cypher says, looking sternly in Neon's direction.

"Ooookay, well nice seeing you Cypher, good luck with your work." Gekko chimes in, before leading Neon and you out of the space.

"Uh that didn't go as planned." Neon admitted, finally seeing your awkward expression.

"You would have had to meet him eventually, just don't be worried about Cypher. He's really like this with everyone." Gekko laughs as he moves you toward another crowd.

"Damn Y/N it's nice to finally meet you! I'm Jett and this is Phoenix!" Jett gestures over to a goofy looking guy sitting next to her.

"Y/N hasn't met a whole lot of people yet so we figured we'd run over to you guys." Neon says, pointing up finger guns with sparks visibly flying out.

All of you get along really well, discussing your favourite music. Phoenix was in the middle of playing you a song from his PHONK playlist when another agent walked into the lobby. He was dressed in the most funky blue clothes.

"What's up baby girl?" Phoenix asked the agent jokingly, morphing his expression into that of an f-boy. "Phoenix if you say that to me ONE MORE TIME I will-"

He stopped mid sentence when he suddenly looked at you. "Who is this?" You awkwardly waved as everyone around you sat in silence.

"I'm Y/N, nice to meet you..." You trailed off, realising you don't know his name.

He looked at you, lots of anger in his expression. "Don't speak to me newbie." He spits out, turning to walk away from you and the rest of the group.

"Yoru, what the hell was that?" Jett yells after him, Yoru doesn't even flinch, walking right out of the room.

"Y/N please don't mind him, he's never like this..." Phoenix assures you while looking guilty, he probably thought his friendly banter caused Yoru's outburst.

"It's um, it's fine." You say nervously, how had your introductions already gone so wrong. Suddenly you weren't so keen on meeting more agents.

Quick to lighten the mood Gekko chimes in, "Hey now, believe it or not, the first time I met everyone here Wingman stole one of Omen's crocheted stuffed animals." The people standing around laughed recalling the memory, while Gekko looked a bit startled.

"Anyway there's no need for you to hear the gorey details haha..." He trailed off, as Neon stepped hard on his shoe.

"Hello everyone, how are you all?" A gentle voice spoke from behind you. "Oh it's Y/N isn't it?" He said, finally seeing you.

"Yeah, I'm Y/N..." You tried to be friendly in return but your meeting with Yoru left you rattled.

"Oh.." Sova sensed your discomfort. "I have a feeling Yoru did this, please Y/N, don't mind his hotheadedness, I'm trying to help that young man stop being so... Yoru." He chuckled at the end of his sentence, making you smile a little.

"It is really nice meeting you..." You say, smiling lightly.

"Sova, it's Sova." He smiles at you.

"Now don't mind me friends, I'm off to get a Vodka with Omen." He point's towards the bar, a ghostlike man waving him over aggressively.

"Thank God for Sova." Phoenix says, his mood also significantly lightened evident by his smile.


A/N: Really, really sorry for being gone so long. Uni is so blegh and so mid but we gotta do it lads. Hope you enjoy this extra long chapter to make up for it. Hopefully a lot more consistent with updates now too :]

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