The meeting

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I woke up. It was late. I had an hour to get ready before I had to be at the track to meet the Ferrari team.

I ran down stairs nearly falling on the way down. My mom yelling at me to stop because she doesn't want me to be hurt before racing.

I looked at her like she was crazy "I won't hurt myself running down stairs" I said laughing.

"Don't doubt yourself y/n it's something that could happen"

I grabbed a banana from the fruit bowl and then headed for the door.

"Why do you go everywhere?" My mom asked wondering.

"I have to head to the track mama I need to meet the team". I say on the way out.

I got to the track and started heading to the Ferrari box. I don't know why I had to come here. Maybe to get a seat fitted before the race this weekend. I could of met the team somewhere else.

Daydreaming away I bumped into someone.

"Omg I'm so sorry" I say looking up from the ground.

"It's okay. Are you new around?"

I look at the face. OMG it was Charles Leclerc. One of the Ferrari drivers.

"Yes I'm the new driver for Ferrari" I say all shy.

"Ah you must be the "faceless driver" y/n. Come with me we can walk to the paddock together"

I nod my head and follow his lead. So many people were around.

"Keep your head down don't let the cameras catch your face" he whispered to me.

I lowered my head immediately and made sure the Ferrari hat was covering my face. Cameras flashed as we walked past. We didn't stop.
Questions were being asked but I didn't answer neither did Charles.

We finally go to where the Ferrari team was.
The team manager comes out from his office.

"Ah look who it is the new driver, it looks like you've already met Charles Leclerc"

"Yes I did. He got me past the cameras"
I say excited to be here.

I look around everyone looking at me.
Team manager then proceeded to tell everyone who I was and what I'll be doing here. That I'm a great driver. I didn't believe I was here. I had blanked out. I brought myself back to reality when I caught myself looking at Charles. He smiled he was also looking at me.

"Y/n, come we need to get your seat fitted hop into the car there. We'll see if it fits"

I walk over to the car and got in sliding my body into the seat. It felt so amazing. In a few days I'll be behind the wheel racing for first place.

"Want to give it a test run"
One of the team members said.

I nodded my head.
They gave me a racing suit and a helmet with my race number on it, I got out of the car and went to get into the suit.

I got back and hopped into the car. They gave me the steering wheel. I switched on the car and it roared into life. My eyes lit up.

"Don't crash it aye" I heard a voice say over the radio. It was Charles I knew the voice from when we first met

I take off.

I hit the track and I sped off. It was amazing the feeling of the wheel in my hands. I was flying around the track.

"Remember to break on time around corners"
It was a different voice this time. Maybe one of the team members.

I slowed down on a corner but not to slow just enough to get me around without spinning out.

"Another person is on track this isn't a race they won't do anything"

I smiled finally someone. I saw them go past me. A red-bull car. Max Verstappen. It was definitely him. My competition was Max.

"Return to the pits next lap please"
The person over the radio said.

I pulled into the pits stopping where I was told too.

Charles standing waiting for me with a big smile on his face.

I got out of the car. Took off the helmet.

"You were great. I've never seen a girl race like that"

I smiled at him. I didn't know what to say.
The team came running out and started saying how good I was.

"Who was on the track?"
I said still stuck in confusion on who it was.

"That is Max Verstappen, one of F1's greatest drivers"

I knew it! My rival. Someone who I could probably easily beat.

"It looks like your all set for this weekends race
We'll see you then"

I thanked them and walked off back to the car park where my car was. I kept my head down to stop the cameras seeing my face.

I got to my car still surprised that I get to race for Ferrari this weekend.

The faceless driverWhere stories live. Discover now