Qualify crash

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It was the day of qualifying to see where people were placed on the grid. It was still raining. I hated this rain. I always found it dangerous racing in the rain. As I sat there helmet on in the car. Hours before the race for qualifying.
I hear voices but I ignored them. Watching the rain still pouring down. Drifting off into a daydreaming still listening to the voices. I knew it was Charles and Carlos just talking about things, I just ignored them, all they do is talk about how great it will be placed in p1,p2 hopefully. They definitely saw me. Charles came over.

"Are you okay y/n?" He asked

I completely ignored it, thoughts were to busy running in my mind. Tears suddenly slid down my eyes, remembering what happened days before with Max. I could hear Charles still calling my name, I couldn't listen I can't. Scared shitless not knowing if Max actually told the team, if Charles actually found him in time or ever found him after running towards the red bull box when I told him what happened. He touched me, still completely ignoring him, by this time Carlos was taking off my helmet, I was still crying. It was too much for me.

"Hey darling are you okay?" I heard Carlos ask as he put my helmet down after taking it off.

"I'm scared" I whispered.

"Max didn't tell anyone y/n there's no reason to be scared" Charles said wiping the tears away.

"I'm scared, it's raining. Last time it rained I was in F2 racing and ended up rolling after sliding, what if that happens again".

He looked outside where it was raining. It didn't seem great.

"I'm sure it won't"

The team walk in.


I was given back my helmet and put it on and put the wheel where it was supposed to go. We were getting rolled out to the grid. Why was this like a normal race. I was placed last in the last grid there is. P20 really. Carlos and Charles in p12 and p3. What was this I should be up there where Max was. There was so many people in the grid. I can't help but look at all the people passing. I got out and walked towards Max. He obviously saw me coming.
Laughing at where I was. He was placed in P1 which wasn't fair.

"Doesn't look like you're in a good place right?"
He says snickering

"Don't think I'll let you get p1 in the actual race, I'll pass you"

"Yeah as if. You'll probably go flying again just like that one race in Monaco back then when you raced in F2" he laughed

Catching me by surprised he watched that race.
I didn't say anything I felt my eyes watering. The fans who were close by watched this go down. I pushed Max which caused him to hit the ground.

"DON'T EVER MENTION THAT AGAIN IT NEARLY KILLED ME" I yelled causing everyone to look at us.

I was grabbed by Carlos which took me back to my part, last place, it wasn't fair.

"What is actually wrong with you y/n, seriously
Be surprised they didn't DNF you"

"Fuck off Carlos, this team is winning because of me, you don't care and neither do I, he mentioned my crash which could of killed me, and if it did you guys wouldn't be winning"

Carlos shocked, he never knew what happened then all he knew was I crashed badly, not the whole point of me nearly dying. I hopped into my car as he walked away, I wasn't gonna show any signs of failure to Max.

The lights went on and everyone scattered to the sides of the grid. The lights turned green and I passed a lot of people including Charles.

"Don't try make some dumb mistake please"

"Oh shut up I'm gonna get past that fucking ugly bitch"
I say over the radio. I was coming up to Lando who was chilling in p7. I went side him. He tried to keep his place but I passed him.
I caught up to Lewis now, I passed him with ease.

I was now 2nd and right up with Max. I had my chance.

"Pass him when you can"

I was coming around him, then he hit me I spun out, hitting the gravel which sent me rolling. I hit the barrier and stopped. I wasn't upside down. I wasn't knocked out but I was in pain. The lights were red. I looked over and saw Charles and Carlos DNF themselves to come to me

"NO NO NO" I screamed over the radio

"Are you okay y/n"

"No I'm in pain, Max hit me, IS HE DISQUALIFIED"

"Yes Y/n he won't be racing this weekend"

The boys came over, taking the steering wheel off and my helmet exposing my face to the world. Paramedics showed up. As Charles pulled me out of the car.

"Is that a girl driving that Ferrari car, it certainly is, that's y/n y/l/n. A f2 driver one of the best, last year this same crash happened but in Monaco"
I heard over the speakers. Everyone knows now. I was placed in an ambulance.

I had broken my leg. I hated this. I saw Charles and Carlos as the ambulance took off. I was worried for them. If they were going to race this weekend. I'm just glad Max doesn't for contacting and causing injuries to another driver, which was me.

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