Max meets you

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It was a rainy day, I couldn't help but stare into the distance of the track here in Australia. In a few days I'll be racing. No one else was around just me. Well people were around just doing stuff somewhere else. It was hard. This sport I never really wanted to be here. I'm just known as the faceless driver everyone talks about.

I stood up from the tires I was sitting on and walked to the car which I'll be sitting in for practice and other things before the real race.
I hopped into it. I drifted off into a daydream.
I was thinking about what happened yesterday the kiss I had with Charles. Was he in love with me or not? Was it a mistake. Was it just because he knew I loved him since he started in Ferrari or does he actually like me.

"Look who it is my favourite person" I heard a voice say still not snapping out of my little daydream.

Someone touched my head. I snapped right out of daydream then. I looked up. It was Charles.

"Oh hi there Charles" I say giving him a soft smile.

"Daydreaming again huh?" He says as I climbed out of the car.

"Yeah it's a habit" I say walking over to the edge of the garage where the rain couldn't touch.

He followed me. Grabbed me and pulled me into a hug. His hugs were nothing but a great feeling. Helped me calm down and everything.

We both heard talking coming our way. Charles stopped hugging me and looked out to where he saw Max Verstappen. Coming over.

"Shit. Max is coming once he sees you he'll know who you are"

I stood there frozen I didn't know what to do or anything. Max walked up.

"Hey mate how are you, who's this lovely lady"
Max said to Charles. Then looked at me.

I stayed silent. Hoping Charles would say something to stop him from finding out I'm the driver who beat the fuck out of him.

"Oh her. That my girlfriend man she's an f2 driver, she recently got into a big crash so she's watching me race this weekend" Charles said.

Of course he would say that. It was great. I looked over at him and then at Max who smiled at me. It worked his lie worked.

"Nice. Got a good girlfriend then Leclerc."

"Yeah, she's a bit shy though so don't mind her" he said pulling me for a hug. I gladly took it. I can't just say no to a hug.

"Anyways who's the new Ferrari driver. You obviously know him"

"No I don't I'm being serious, fuck they never show their face"

I let go of Charles and walked off. He looked at me.

"You off to grab some water baby?"

I nodded my head. Then he asked me if I could grab him some. I walked off to the other room where I grabbed two bottles of water. Carlos came in.

"Hey y/n are you okay you look like you've seen a ghost" he said with a concerned look on his face.

"Max. He saw me. Charles told him I'm his girlfriend to stop him from finding out what I'm doing in the Ferrari garage" I said as I walked to the door back into the pits. Carlos behind me.

"Shit man are you sure you're ok, I think you need to lay down"

"It's okay Carlos I'm fine" I say

I walk over to Charles who's still chatting to Max. I gave him the water. Which he opened and started drinking it really fast. He gasped for air as he finished the bottle.

"Thanks darling" he said giving me a kiss on the cheek.

Both me and Max had a surprised look on our faces, which made Charles laugh.

"Why are you so surprised. Max you see that all the time"

He walked away still surprised.

"Oh come on I thought that was impressive" he said looking at me.

"It was but I don't think Max was overly surprised"

"He never is the whole time you were gone he talked about who that driver is"

"Yeah but your excuse was to say I was your girlfriend"

"Come on after that kiss yesterday morning we are definitely dating"

"YOU GUYS KISSED" Carlos yelled from across the room.

Making me jump. I hated yelling. It was a nightmare. Charles then proceeded to say the whole story to Carlos. So I walked away to go find Max because I wanted to get to know him a little better and act like a big fan. I kept my head down past the other places to get to the red-bull area.

"Hey Charles girlfriend, what even is your name"

"Oh hi Max it's y/n"

He looked at me and immediately knew something ain't right.

"You race for Ferrari don't you?"

"No? What makes you think that"

He looked at me as if I was fucking stupid.

"I'm not stupid y/n, no person in f2 has crashed this season yet and if someone did it would be all over the place. I know you raced for it. But your the one who passed me and won"

He was obviously being serious. I didn't know what to say. I walked away to go back to where Charles was. This was it Max knew who I was. It was now over. The whole world might as well know me now.

"Hey y/n what's up" Charles said coming over to me as I walked back into the garage.

"Max knows who I am and I'm scared he might tell everyone else"

Charles immediately ran to find Max while I fell to the floor crying. What a mistake I made for going to find Max. I threw my whole career away just because of it. It was over it's all over now. It's done. Max is going to tell the whole world who I am and I'll never race again.

The faceless driverOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora