Hating and loving

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It's been months since what happened I refuse to race so I got a job as a photographer for Mercedes. Max has Checo back again since he kinda had no choice since I couldn't get back into racing. I took a photo Lewis Hamilton. He was in the car and ready to race so it was just his eyes that we could see. I stood up from the position I was in. Toto Wolff came in.

"Y/n....those photos go edit them".

I nodded and headed for the office where I would edit the photos to make them look good for the instagram account. After awhile I was done and someone took over my job for the podium which Lewis won of course. I smiled as I saw Max walk up as 2nd place, not where he ideally Always was but it was better then nothing. I was walking into the Mercedes garage when someone pulled me into the Ferrari garage and into one of the driver rooms.


I heard a voice, it was Charles. I looked at him his bright watercolour eyes looked down at mine.


"Y/n keep your voice down, Max will catch us. He's mad at you, he saw your Instagram story".

Fuck I forgot I had posted a photo of me and Lando. Me and Max aren't dating but he was very protective.

"He's got to stop acting like we are dating".

Charles leaned in closer, to close for comfort but it was great just feeling his presence again. Maybe he fucked me up but the heat coming off him from a sweaty race was amazing. He looked down at me a smiled well more of a grin, the grin that just wants to pin someone down and kiss the fuck out of them. I heard Max's voice. He was asking Carlos where I was.

"Shit" I heard Charles whisper. He put his body onto mine hiding me from someone if they were to open the door. He looked down at me again and then back at the door. The door handle began to move. His hand darted to it and locked it. He took off his racing suit and the shirt he worn under it. Fuck just seeing him shirtless was hot. He pushed me into a corner that wasn't visible from the door, he opened it.

"Where is she, I know she's in here".

"You mean y/n?"

"No shit charles I mean her, why the fuck are you shirtless too?"

"Fuck i don't know Max maybe because it's after the race and I'm getting changed, last time I saw her she was making out with lando".

He closed the door and locked it and looked back at me, he walked over and grabbed me picking me up and pinning me to the wall. He kissed me. It took me by surprise but i took it, we were having a make out session when Max smashed down the door, kicking it in. Seeing me and Charles, he put me down and immediately Max started fighting Charles.



why wasn't he listening. I started crying seeing Charles on the floor holding his nose because it was bleeding. People ran in. Carlos pulled Charles away as the Ferrari team ripped Max away from him.

"Teaches him right to touch y/n"


Max backed away as I got closer, still yelling at him. Checo came in and took Max, by that time Charles was sitting on the ground holding his face, no one could see the damage. I sat down in front of him.

"Everyone out please I have the first aid kit, if it's too bad I'll take him to the hospital

Everyone left, charles was crying I could hear the not so silent sobs, I grabbed his hand, he looked up at me. A black eye and a broken nose. Cut lips and a cut cheek.

"Let me clean you up"

"No y/n it hurts to much"

"Come on char you have to let me do this, here put this on your eye" I say handing him some ice.

I grabbed some wipes.

"It's gonna sting but it will work"

I dabbed the cut on his cheek, he flinched from the pain but let me do my job. Hoping Max gets the punishment he deserves for doing this.

After awhile he was all cleaned up, the swelling in his eye went down and Carlos joined us again.

"Charles I still love you I hope you know that"

He looked up at me and smiled he grabbed me into a hug. Feeling his hugs were great and I'm glad that I finally got to feel them again.

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