Winning a race

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After all the arguments, yelling, Charles finally walked into the room. Sat next to me, it felt like hours before he said anything.

"You think you're ready to race?"
He said. Still looking at the wall. I didn't say anything I was too zoned out to even reply. I wasn't scared or nervous to race. I just didn't want to talk. It felt like he could sense that too.
He pulled me into him, giving me one of those sideways hugs. I could hear his heartbeat. It calmed me down. I closed my eyes, just listening to him calmly breath. Every problem disappeared.

"You okay y/n" he said quietly.

I nodded my head I didn't want to talk. I just wanted to listen to everything. His breathing was just so calming. His touch was everything. Why was it him that calmed me down. Got me ready. Everyone calls him bad luck but I felt everything change.

"I'm ready" I said answering his first question he asked like 5 minutes ago.

I sat up and looked at him. His smile always made me happier. He nodded and stood up. Putting out his hand for me to hold. I took it and stood up and we walked out of the room.
Back into the garage that the cars were in.

"Let's go then" he said.

I put on my helmet and gloves and got in my car. I was handed the wheel. Everything was now pumping through. I felt like crying. I have always doubted myself and how I'm racing for fucking Ferrari. I seem to be their only help on winning.

We went out onto the grid.

"You got this y/n, just know if you don't win that's okay we aren't always good at first"

The voice in the radio gave me the adrenaline to actually get past Max Verstappen our best driver. No one knows who I am. Not even the fan's screaming about how there is 3 Ferrari cars on track. Everyone wearing different colours but mostly red because we were in Monaco, Charles home track. Well mine too. I was gonna win for us so it wasn't so upsetting if Charles wasn't to win.

The lights turned red. Me In P5 I needed to get a head of everyone to win.

"Try stay in p5 for most laps unless you need to pit"

We took off as the lights went green. Me seeing Charles take off passing everyone and taking p2. I knew with his bad luck he wouldn't last.
I was staying as p5 no matter what.

After awhile I pitted. Tires changed and I was off. Couple laps in nearly everyone pitted which got me back into p5.

"Move up to p2 now y/n. We have 5 laps to go and we need you"

I quickly sped up. Passing Lando Norris, George Russell, Lewis Hamilton. I got up to p2 eventually. Finally I was right up Max Verstappen's ass. Staying up there until it was up too 2 laps left.

"Pass him y/n, pass him girl"

I overtook up, laughing as well, something I'm proud of.

Fans going crazy. Final lap and I was 10 seconds ahead no way Max was going to pass me now. I was too quick. We were coming up to the finish line now.

"YES YES YES" I screamed as I passed the finish line,


"Good job y/n, team is going crazy, Carlos and Charles are so proud of you"

Team on the radio said. As I slowed down and stopped at the grid. Jumping out of the car, I jumped up and down, screaming. Me a girl just won and no one knows who I am but Ferrari. Carlos and Charles came and hugged me. Picking me up and swinging me. Team came running out. We were celebrating.

We got to the podium. I could hear fans cheering. I still had a helmet on I couldn't take it off I was sweating but I had to keep it on. The trophy was handed to me and I went crazy again for the second time.

We got back to the Ferrari garage, and I finally took off my helmet.

"You won" i heard a voice say. I turn around it was my mom. Standing there. With a smile on her face. She was proud, she always doubted me when it came down to winning races. But now I'm a world champion and she was finally smiling at me proud.

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