The practice drama

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Standing in the paddock Friday morning. It was cold but it didn't get to me to much. None of the drivers had arrived yet but I was told to arrive early to get ready. I was training. I needed strength. While I was getting my neck strength training down Charles walked through.

"Didn't think you'll be In early?" He says laughing.

"I came in because I was asked to Leclerc, training is important" I say struggling to keep my head straight.

He laughed and walked away. Just as I was about to be done with training, Carlos walks in.

"I'm so fucking late. Do I got time to train"
He says to the trainer.

I walked out to where the cars were parked 3 Formula one cars sat being checked to see if they were good to race.

Staring in amazement that this afternoon I would be racing for the trophy for Monaco Grand Prix.

Charles walked out of the training room.
Came and stood by me.

"Beautiful isn't it" he said. The voice was hot and I couldn't help but fantasise over it.

"Yeah it is" I replied still staring out into the distance.

I didn't notice Charles was looking at me until I snapped out of my daydream.

"What are you looking at" I said confused.

"Sorry I'm just looking at our champion"

"You think I'll win tonight?l

"As quick as I've seen you in F2 definitely" he says with a smile on his face.

I smile but it was quickly wiped away when one of the team members came it. Fuck I just wanted alone time with the guy I've had a crush on since he started racing for Ferrari.

"Time to head out to practice" they said.

Cars have been checked and are ready to go.
Charles putting on his racing suit. Me I already had mine on. I was extremely prepared.
He handed me my helmet. Custom made for me with my number. No name.

"Wait what will my name be on the live stream"
I asked so confused.

"There won't be a name only a number"
Team yelled at me.

I got into the car. I was handed the wheel.
I was shaking feeling like I would end up spinning out just practicing.
I headed out onto the track.

I pasted a couple of people and caught up to Charles. I stayed next to him the whole time, staying at his pace driving.

"You can't just keep that pace y/n get out there" i heard over the radio

I got past Charles. I was catching up to Max Verstappen.

"Choose to pass him if you want, but you'll need to pass him In the real race"

I felt the need to pass everyone but I can't, Max one of the best drivers and I've caught up to him in just practice.

After a couple of laps I still haven't past him

"Come back in, practice is over we need to get back to training"

I came back to the pits immediately. I felt like it was a lie they didn't need to train me more they needed to talk to me because I refused to pass a red-bull driver.

I got out and took my helmet off.

"WHAT ARE YOU THINKING" immediately yelled at by someone I don't know.

I felt tears coming up. I hate being yelled at.

I saw Charles pull in. He was told to come back in too so tires can be changed. He looked my way.

He saw them yelling at me, he quickly got out.

"Hey don't yell at her"
He said standing in front of me to stop them from yelling anymore. I zoned out I could only hear his voice.

"I don't care. It's not racing she didn't pass him of fucking well. She probably will when she can in the actual race"


"Still no need to yell at her for it"

Tear filled my eyes, Carlos pulled in and saw,
Water running down my face. My face all gross fulled with sweat and tears he got out and ran to me. He saw a team member and Charles arguing.

He pulled me into the rest area. I washed my face. Cleaning it off.

"Why were they yelling" he asked.

"Because I didn't pass Max"

He looked shocked. Like he didn't understand why.

He walked out leaving me in the area. Yelling was happening. They were still going off at each-other. It was my fault I should of passed Max.

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