Chapter Three

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Embry and the band sat there in silence. Papa rubbed her back, "I'm so sorry. Well here you will never have to worry about that. Here you will be treated how you deserve to be treated. Like a goddess."

Embry looked up at Papa and smiled, "Thank you." That was all she could say.

To be honest she felt a little awkward in this situation, but it still made her feel better.

The Angels just kinda looked at each other and then at the girl, none of them knowing what to say, Embry wanted to change the subject fast.

"You guys know a good place to eat around here?" She asked, desperate for any different conversation.

Papa chuckled, "There's a nice place down the road from here, it's family owned and they have the best Cheesecake in town. I should give your mom the address and she should take you there to eat some day... Or we could take you and your mother out to eat?" Papa asked and the angels all nodded in agreement.

Embry smiled once again and said her thank you's.

She continued to eat the snack cake and drink her water, the Angels and Papa talking amongst themselves, Papa's hand was placed on her thigh again.

Embry wanted something. She wanted to satisfy the feeling she had between her legs, but she didn't know what she wanted.

She was frustrated, so frustrated and she didn't know what to do!

She wiggled again, and when she did she felt... Slimy... She gasped, grabbing the attention of a few Angels and of course, Papa.

"Is something wrong, Darling?" Papa whispered to her, concerned.

Embry swallowed hard and shook her head, "Excuse me." She got up and walked out of the room to go to the bathroom she saw down the hall.

The Angels spoke up, more specifically, Swiss. "She's a virgin, Papa. Plus, she's turned on, I could smell her from here."

"I know." Papa replied.

"She looks fragile, go slow with her when she asks for you." Cumulus added.

"Does anyone realize that she's special? Her vibe is off." Rain continued the conversation about the girl.

"Yes, I realized that." Papa continued to think about the poor girl.

Meanwhile Embry had lifted up her dress, revealing a big wet spot on her lavender Panties after she pulled them down.

She grabbed toilet paper and wiped down there, when she did it left a string of wetness, tying the toilet paper to her heat.

She whimpered, not knowing what to do as she continued to wipe repeatedly, trying to stop all the slick juices from becoming too much.

The Angels and Papa were still talking about her as she was finishing up.

"Maybe she's one of us?" Sodo suggested, Papa shook his head.

"No, she would have been born that way, she would have known by now." He protested.

"Whatever she is, she is special. We should keep a close eye on her..." Cirice added, and everyone, even Papa, nodded.

Embry walked in not a minute later and they all looked at her, a few of the Angels smirking at her and Papa.

Papa simply gave them a warning look as the girl sat down and she didn't notice a thing.

As much as he didn't want too, Papa placed his hands in his lap, trying to avoid touching the girl.

He didn't want to make her wet again.

"Embry, Darling. When do you think your mother will be back? I'd like to show you something that I think you'd enjoy." Papa cooed.

"She probably won't be back for another hour." Embry smiled at the man, and he smiled back down at her and grabbed her hand softly, and pulled her up.

They began to walk out of the room, down the hall and into another hall, continuing this until the two were met with a large wooden door. Papa turned to look at the girl, walked in front of her and opened the door.

Embry was looking at what was behind the church, and it was a huge garden!

Pink roses was the first ones she saw, next to yellow ones, then blue ones, then Lillys, and then more species of flowers.

She gasped as she walked through the door.

Papa admired the way her eyes glistened at the sight. The way her mouth was slightly agape, god her lips... They were a light pink with a tint of red, they looked soft.

He eyed her constantly as they made their way down the stone path, he didn't care about the flowers. He had seen them almost every day, what he was interested in was the beautiful young girl in front of him. A Nymph.

His Nymph.

He needed her, he needed to be inside of her. But he wanted to make sure she was comfortable, so he knows he can't rush anything.

God knows he doesn't want to ruin what they could be.

He watched as she stopped in her tracks and bent down to look at one of the Tiger Lillys.

Papa saw the amazement in her face as she smelt of the flower.

He simply bent down next to her and picked the flower close to it's stem and handed it to her.

"Let's make you a bouquet, yes?" He offered and Embry's eyes lit up in excitement and she nodded.

Embry walked around the garden and she picked out different flowers that she liked and Papa would pick them for her and she would hold them together in her hands.

Embry picked out the most beautiful flowers she could find, and she managed to get quite a few, even picking up extras that she thought her mother would enjoy.

When they reached a small white wooden Gazebo, Papa put his hand on the small of Embry's back and led her to the bench. On the bench was this small white, wooden box to match the Gazebo. Inside the box was string and tissue paper to put the bouquet together.

Papa smiled at the young girl and held out his hands for the flowers which Embry happily handed to him. He first wrapped the tissue paper around the flowers and then tied a string around it, then a bow to top it off.

Embry smiled softly at Papa, then handed him her mother's smaller sized bouquet, which he did the same thing, both of them sitting in comfortable silence.

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