Chapter Fourteen

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That night Jessica slept over at Embry's house, which made Laura (Embry's Mother) go insane. Laura hated Jessica, "Jessica is a bad influence!" She always claims, and even Embry knows she's right, but Embry loves her friend and would lie for her anytime.

The next morning Embry couldn't stop thinking about how Papa just disappeared! It's a two story house from the ground, and he couldn't just climb down. Could he...?

She looked outside her window and down to view the side of the house, and there was no trees close to the window, there was just a view of the pool, and the whole backyard.

There was nothing on the side of the house to help him down.

So how the hell did he do it?

"Embry." Jessica called, sitting on Embry's bed with her phone in her hand.

"Yeah?" Embry asked, walking back to her neatly made bed.

"So how did it happen? You and Holy Man." Jessica lifted up her eyes from her phone to look at Embry, who sat there quite embarrassed.

"Well, I just found him attractive when I first saw him. Especially after he took me to the Churches Garden that he says was his half brother Primo's. Heavens, was the garden beautiful! Well he took me there and we just talked about so much. He let me pick out two bouquets of so many different color flowers! Ah! It was amazing! I told him everything about my life including Allen. He didn't even judge that Allen was an atheist. He just really listened to me." Embry rambled on, Jessica just listened with a smile on her face.

"The way he looks at me is just, Ah!" She added on.

"Okay but did y'all just kiss? Did y'all fuck? How did y'all let each other know?" Jessica pestered.

"He had his hand on my thigh." Embry lowered her volume and the pitch in her voice went up, signaling embarrassment. Jessica gave her the look to go on. "He fingered me." She finally spat out.

Jessica widened her eyes, "Way to go. Finally getting out of that heavily Christian life."

Embry looked at Jessica puzzled, "No I'm not. I layed with the man of God. A preacher. If anything I'd say I am even farther."

Jessica sighed, "Yeah I guess your right."

"What was the sigh about?" Embry began to get flustered.

"It's just that you slept with him before marriage, that's all. Isn't that against y'all's rules or whatever?" Jessica now herself slightly annoyed with her friend.

Embry paused, Jessica was right.

"You know what. I don't care. Yeah. I am getting out of this heavily Christian life." Embry stated with confidence and Jessica's face lit up in surprise.

Embry swallowed hard, she wasn't about to quit something that made her feel so good, love the sinner... Hate the sin...

Embry praised herself in her mind, she was changing, but not too much, and not for the worse.

She sat down next to Jessica and looked on her phone.

Good morning, Cara Mia <3

She smiled wide.

Good morning Papa <3

"Who you talking too?" Jessica asked, knowing it was that Papa dude.

"Papa." Correct.

"Call him Daddy." Jessica smirked, and Embry whipped her head around.

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