Chapter Five

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Wednesday morning had come around and Embry had woken up early so she knew she wouldn't miss or be late to church today.

She put on a beautiful pink dress with pink sandles to go with it, her hair was curled her natural curls and she put on her eyeliner and she was ready to go... Except this time she looked at herself in the mirror and she grabbed lipgloss and put it on her lips. She normally only wears it on special occasions, like out to eat at a fancy restaurant. But today was different.

She wanted to wear lipgloss to attract Papa.

She felt dirty and slightly ashamed of herself, but she brushed it off. She grabbed her pink bible to match her dress and she and her mom walked out the door to grab breakfast and then head to the church.

Embry felt her heart racing, she wanted nothing more than to see Papa. She wanted him to touch her again. She longed for his touch. Whether it was just holding her hand, touching her shoulder, or placing his hand on her back... Or on her thigh like last time... All she wanted was to feel him. If she had the choice she would be in his arms, cuddled up against him.

Her foot tapped in excitement, something about that man drove her crazy, she wanted to see him more.

She paused and her eyes widened.

Was she growing a crush on an older man?

But that's wrong! She thought. Oh, but he's a preacher, a man of God! How bad can it possibly be? She continued.

Her mind raced on if it really was that bad to have a crush on a man so much older than her, especially since she was underaged, but she soon came to the conclusion that if the feelings were so bad in the first place, then god would not have given them to her.

She was finally able to take a breath and her heart had calmed down. She didn't feel as bad about how she felt anymore, in fact it felt a little right. She couldn't get any more holy than having a crush on the preacher, the man of God. Even if she... Lay, with him, it would still count as an act of Faith, no?

While Embry knew about "The birds and the bees", she didn't know how to do so, or what it even felt like.

To be fair the author doesn't even know if Embry knows about masturbation, the author hasn't gone that far into Embry's past or thoughts.

What?! I haven't! I know nothing!

Don't look at me like that!

Okay. Okay fine...

Maybe Embry has looked at porn once and she freaked out and closed the tab. She got curious, don't we all?

Except she didn't like it...


Embry smiled with excitement when her mother pulled into the church parking lot and Embry didn't even give her mom time to park when Embry was already unbuckling her seatbelt.

The moment the car stopped, Embry had opened up the door like a small child excited to get into their favorite candy or toy store.

Laura had widened her eyes in surprise at her daughter, she had to almost jog to keep up at her daughter's pace.

Embry walked through the doors of the church, they were 10 minutes early, but not early for God, there was still quite a few people already there, but Embry didn't care this time, she had her mind set on finding Papa.

Maybe it was because he was so welcoming, maybe it was because he was so easy to talk too, but Embry knew she had to talk to him again.

Sunday after she picked the flowers, her and Papa just sat and talked all about Embry's life. What her brother was like, and Papa didn't even judge that her brother was an atheist! Papa had watched her talk and he gave her advice on her friends, he simply just listened and cared.

Embry flew through the crowd and walked on the stage to get a better look, she didn't see Papa nor the Angels.

When she turned around she saw Rain standing inches away from her.

"Hey, darling." He flashed her a smile, a pink rose in his hand, handing it to her. "Today it matches."

Embry took it with the biggest smile on her face, little did she know the Angels made it their thing to hand her a pink rose from the garden everytime she walked in the church.

"Do you know where Papa is?" Embry asked looking up at Rain, making eye contact.

He simply smiled down at her and placed his hand on her back, signaling her to follow him.

She walked along side her new friend and he led her back stage where Papa was getting ready.

Swiss, Sodo and Cirice looked over at Rain who had brought in Embry, "Papa, I brought our new friend."

Papa turned around, and immediately a smile broke onto his face, "Embry! So good to see you again! Welcome back, my love! Please sit down!" Papa said walking up to her, replacing Rains hand with his and guided her to the couch.

Embry took a seat and Papa walked away and came back with a bottle of water, then handed it to the girl.

"How has your week been so far, Tesoro?" Embry was taken back by the nickname in a different language, but she appreciated it.

"It's been pretty good!" She hummed, looking Papa in his eyes.

Hers glistened at him, he watched at her pupils dilated, "That's good! Did you talk to your friends yet?" He asked, bringing up past conversations.

She shook her head no, and she placed her head down in shame. Papa scrunched up his face, placed two fingers under her chin, and raised up her head.

"Do not worry about that, Cara Mia. God will give you the opportunity when time is right." Papa reassured.

Embry blushed madly at the nickname and the way it rolled off his tongue, was Papa Italian?

Cara Mia was definitely her new favorite.

Embry nodded at Papa's words, still making deep eye contact.

Papa eyes flashed down to her lips, and when he realized she put on lipgloss, he was hardening and his breath hitched.

His index and middle fingers were still under her chin, so his gloved thumb touched her bottom lip and he pulled her lip down a little, making it bounce back into place. "Are you wearing lip gloss, Cara Mia?"

Embry swallowed hard and nodded her head, her face showing a plead. What she was begging for, she didn't know, but the uncomfortable feeling was back.

"My, my. Don't you just look gorgeous?" He cooed, eyeing her lips before looking at her face, seeing the look in her eyes. All she did was look back at him. "I gave you a compliment, Amore. What do you say?"

"Th-Thank you." She stumbled on her words, practically speechless.

"Good girl." He praised, and Embry involuntarly gasped and the feeling in her heat was stronger, so much stronger and a wave of... Pleasure... Flew to her core. Papa smirked with lust at his new found Amore.

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