Chapter Fifteen(Short Chapter)

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Months had gone by now, Embry's and Papa's Dark Secret growing with each time they saw each other.

Instead of October it was now February, angry memories was pounding in Papa's mind. Memories of his Ex Wife drowning him. He couldn't breathe.

The spell he had done, it hadn't happened yet and he couldn't wait forever.

She needs to die. He thought.

Desperate. He was getting afraid.

He knows that she is a stalker, a creepy, terrible woman.

She almost destroyed his career, she had Sister Imperator kill his brothers, Tezro, whome he was very close with.

She framed his brothers, telling Sister Imperator, "If they die, Copia will be come Papa in a heart beat. Isn't that what you want?"

Copia began to sob, hugging himself close.

If his ex wife had been watching she knows about him with Embry.

She could kill Embry.

Or make him go to jail.

She would tear the two apart just for her pleasure.

Of course because she still holds a grudge.

He couldn't stand it, he got up from his bed and he put on his coat and shoes and he headed to his car, pulling out of the drive way and down the road.

He was going to kill her himself.

When he got there she was out in her garden, she pushed her glasses down with a smirk on her face. There wasn't even flowers growing. It's too cold. She had to have been burying something...

"Hey there Copia, Dear." She had been expecting him sooner or later. "How's Embry?"

Copia slammed his car door and raised a gun to her face, but he hesitated.

He didn't know why, like something was against him. Some force.

He tried, God Damn! He tried to pull that trigger, but his finger wouldn't budge.

"Fuck!" He cursed and just decided to go the old fashioned way. Hands.

With one swipe of her wrist, he was froze.

"Come on, Dear. You know you can't kill me." She sang, walking up closer to him, placing a kiss on his cheek.

"Please." He got down to begging. "I can't lose her." He began to cry, and she simply looked at him with surprise.

He has never cried...

He really loves her.

She began to giggle, "You are a mess! Paranoid much?"

"I need her!" Tears rolling down his face, down his neck and into his shirt.

"Look, I won't kill her, won't give pictures of your dick," She spat, "All up inside her, if you do this small thing."

Copia saw hope, he couldn't kill her, but he could make a deal.

"You tell her who you really are," Copias heart dropprd, "and if she accepts you, I will leave the two of you alone for the rest of my years."

Copia was released from her invisible grip and he nodded, knowing he can't change her mind, he can't change anything.

For all he knows the deal is already sealed.

Now it's up to fate...

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