Chapter Eighteen(short chapter)

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Embry woke up in Papa's arms, feeling warm.

She feels different...

Like something in her clicked, well she felt better, so much better.

When she stretched in Papa's arms she had her full strength back.

Papa felt her move and he opened his eyes and tears began to flow again, she was alive.

He leaned over her, hugging her tightly, "Cara Mia." He sighed of relief.

Embry chuckled, hugging him back just as tight, "Papa." She cooed, Copia sobbed into the crook of her neck.

He was beyond happy and relieved, she still loves him and wants to be with him.

He suddenly got an idea.

He shot his head up, tears on his face, which Embry wiped away, and he looked at her with the biggest amount of love.

"Marry me."


"Marry me, Cara Mia."

Embry layed there under Papa with a shocked expression. Now she began to cry and she kissed Papa with such passion.

She pulled away and with a smile on her face, she nodded, "Yes."

Papa pulled her back in for a short kiss before jumping out of her bed and getting himself dressed, Embry now sitting up.

"Get dress, baby. I'm taking you shopping." He kissed the top of her head while buttoning his pants.

She got off the bed and she realized she could walk like normal, she really was healed.

She went into her closet and she pulled out a long sleeve white t-shirt, blue jeans and blue Nikes.

She put on some extra jewelry, brushed her hair, teeth and such. Now she was looking at herself in the mirror and she thought something was off with how she looked.

Papa walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist and rested his head on the top of her head.

"You look beautiful, Dear." He smiled at her through the mirror, making her smile back... But she just felt off...

With her mom still being in the house she had Papa go back out through the window and she told her mom she was heading out with a few friends from school, going shopping.

Didn't complete lie...

She met Papa down the street and they got in his car and he drove them to the local mall.

The walked around, but when they walked past Spencers, she had Papa stop.

It's time for a big change.

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