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Lavenda was on standby at Avalon the second she was informed of what had happened. She raced from New Asgard with Brunhilde, barely taking in the journey as her thoughts focused entirely on the plight of Dean and Thor. Dean's mother was murdered, and Magni and Modi were abducted. Though it had been centuries since her own mother had been lost to her, she could still imagine the horrific ache such an event would cause.

And the twins...

Poor little dears. To think of someone stealing them away and harming them...

Lavenda was no warrior, but she would gladly contend with whomever had done such a thing. Just as she was imagining her hands closing around the neck of the kidnapper, Dean and Thor's arrival was announced. She and her staff already had the soul forge at the ready, and she was eager to see their new baby. Just thinking about that made her feel an extreme sadness. Such an event should be a joyous occasion. Upon seeing them, Lavenda immediately took a shaken Dean into her arms and held on tight.

"They're gone," Dean spoke in a somber voice. "She took them, and..."

Lavenda affectionately shushed him and rubbed his back. She looked over his shoulder at Thor, who looked as if he might go into a berserk state at any given second. What these two needed most- knowledge that their sons were safe- she couldn't provide. But she could take care of one of their other worries. "Let's get you into the soul forge," she suggested. "And have a look at the new little one."

Dean slowly nodded his head and allowed Lavenda's staff to help him onto the Asgardian device. He lay back on the examination table and reached out for Thor, who quickly slipped his hand into his.

"Do not be afraid," Thor whispered as he gently swept some of Dean's hair from his forehead.

"I can't help it," Dean replied in a shaking voice that made Lavenda's eyes well with tears.

The soul forge was activated, permitting the midwife and all present to see Dean's developing pregnancy.

Dean stared up at the illuminated systems that the instruments of mortals could never visualize. "Is the baby safe?"

Lavenda rapidly studied the images, not wanting to prolong the couple's worries. "The baby is quite safe," she spoke emphatically. "Very early in development, but right where it needs to be."

"And Dean?" Thor asked, squeezing his husband's hand.

Lavenda rested a hand on Dean's forehead and smiled encouragingly at Thor. "He needs rest," she stressed to the concerned thunder god.

"Thor," Tony said in a hushed voice when he entered the room. "The others are here. Snowbird from Alpha Flight said she has something very important to share with us."

Thor lifted Dean from the soul forge and carried him over to their bed where he promptly tucked him in. "Rest, Fair One."

"I can give him something to help him relax," Lavenda softly suggested.

Thor felt nothing but gratitude that the woman who had delivered him and his sons was there to look after Dean.

"No," Dean murmured before attempting to rise. "I need to be with you."

Thor gently but firmly pushed Dean back onto the bed. "You must stay here and rest."

"The baby is safe. Very healthy," Lavenda said. "But the stress you are under has me very concerned."

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