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When the tunnel that the heroes had fallen through began to grow steeper, Aegis used his telekinesis to slow the descent of those unable to fly. Meanwhile, Lumen maintained himself as a beacon in the darkness, lighting up their journey.

"This thing goes on forever," Aegis gasped. "It's like a ride that just won't end."

Cap, who held onto Aegis's hand, looked over at his lover and gave him a wry grin. "Hey, you wanted to go on this adventure, remember?"

"Heads up, everyone!" Lumen announced from below, signaling that the tunnel had finally come to an end.

One by one, the team spilled into their destination. Aegis and Cap landed gently and walked to where Lumen and Thor stood.

"What the hell is this place?" Aegis whispered.

They were in a massive hall that seemed to go on for miles. Overhead, the ceilings were arched with multiple columns supporting it. On either side a row of stained glass windows filled the walls, light pouring through them in an eerie kaleidoscope of red, orange, and yellow; it made the entire room seem as if it were on fire. Twisted images of demonic figures decorated the windows, and rows of statues of similar shape were spaced out between each and every window. Blood red carpet filled the center of the great hall.

"I don't like how quiet it is in here," Hawkeye spoke in a foreboding voice.

"Make no mistake- there is no space within my uncle's domain that is safe," Snowbird said. "Stay prepared."

Thori let out a low grown and stalked ahead, his body tense and ready. The heroes followed him at a quick pace, eager to move forward but ready for anything.

Thor looked over at Lumen and spied the weary determination on his face. Curling his pinky around his husband's, he gave him a little smile and wink. "Are you alright, Fair One?"

Lumen nodded briskly. "Yeah. I'm fine. Just...I'm just ready for this to be over. I feel like I'm being tortured."

Thor's heart ached at the sound of pain in his lover's voice. His fierce determination grew and so did his lust for blood. There was no amount he wouldn't shed in the name of his husband and children. His grip on Stormbreaker tightened and a little crackle of electricity washed over the weapon.

"Dean, you look tired," Amora's smooth voice echoed from nearby.

The team halted and readied themselves. Excitement coursed through Thor, knowing that one of the architect's of his and Dean's suffering was close.

From behind a column several feet ahead, Amora strutted out. She placed her hands lazily upon her hips and surveyed the team with an air of disinterest. "I suppose that is the lot of a grieving parent. And a grieving son. And you happen to be both."

Lumen glared at her, eyes overflowing with light. "I've been hoping to run into you," he said in a low, angry voice.

"The feeling is mutual," Amora sighed. "I was so hoping to be able to compound your pain by telling you, in intimate detail, how I dismantled your pathetic mother."

"You're not hurting me by saying that," Lumen dismissed her. "If anything, you're just making your own situation worse."

Amora shrugged. "Spare me your foolish words. My master is almost finished with the ritual. Soon Loki will transfer Nelvannu's essence into the twins. I only need to slow you down."

"So Nelvannu sent you instead of one of his demons?" Lumen asked. "I guess he considers you to be expendable."

Amora's cool facade cracked ever so slightly.

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