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"Hyperion?" Cap asked as he move along the desert scape beside the hero. "Are you sure you're alright?"

Hyperion shrugged his broad shoulders and kept his gaze on the hazy horizon. "I'm worried about Taylor. This whole experience is just...I know it's a lot for him."

Cap didn't want to challenge that the experience was certainly a lot for all involved. He knew that he would feel very much the same as Hyperion if Kyle were in a similar state to Taylor. Instead, he gave his new friend an understanding smile. "I get it. Taylor's been running from this side of himself for years. And now he's in the thick of it."

"He never wanted to embrace this part of himself," Hyperion carried on. "And now he's here."

"Taylor is strong," Cap observed. "He's experienced a lot and came out on the other side of it all."

"I know. I just wish we weren't separated right now."

"That's something I think we can all agree on. Seeing them in that other world and knowing we can't be there to protect them- it's hard."

Hyperion scowled at the horizon. "All the more reason to get out of this...place."

Cap observed the note of sudden confusion in Hyperion's voice. "What's up?" He asked, his senses now on high alert.

"Do you see that?" Hyperion asked. He pointed at the place where endless sand met the sun in a hazy aura.

"Can't say that I do," Cap observed. "You okay?"

Hyperion ignored the super soldier and took flight, his immense speed permitting him to easily clear the distance between his party and the strange apparition in the distance.

"Hey, where's he going?" Iron Man asked.

"Not sure," Cap grunted as he began to sprint off toward the retreating figure of Hyperion. "But now isn't the time to split up!"

Thor, who was previously lost in his own worried thoughts, took flight alongside Iron Man and the three of them hastened toward Hyperion.

Hyperion arrived at his destination and dropped down to the ground, shaking the world with his impact. He landed among lush, dense vegetation- abnormally large flowers that released their sweet nectar into the air, vibrant green trees whose fruit hung heavy and ripe. A large pool of water sat at the center of the abundant oasis, it's water tinkling through the air like bells.

"This wasn't here before," Hyperion whispered to himself as he slowly turned around and took in the sight of the mysterious oasis. He activated his enhanced vision to seek out any signs of life but found none. Though he knew this world couldn't be trusted. Not even with his typically infallible vision. He slowly floated upward, scanning the canopies for signs of life. When he found none, he floated back to the ground, landing near the pool if crystal blue water. He stayed there for a moment, taking in the enticing sight of this small arrangement of life among the desolate sands. The sound of rushing water snagged his focus and he turned back to the pool in time to see a figure emerging.

From out of the water, a woman appeared. She stared up at Hyperion through a curtain of wet, black hair. Slowly, she swept it away from her face, revealing features of intense beauty and eyes that blazed an unnatural blue. Nude, she stepped out of the water and smiled slowly at him.

"Who are you?" Hyperion asked, his fists clenched in preparation for battle.

"No one special," the woman spoke demurely. "Just a traveler. Like you."

"I'm trying to get out of this dessert," Hyperion explained. "Do you know anything?"

The woman giggled, an infuriating noise. "Why would I wish to leave this place?" She asked as she extended her arms to indicate the small paradise that surrounded them. "Everything I need is here. Fresh air. Clean, cool water. An abundance of fruits. We could live here. Forever."

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